In need of weight loss buddies

Hey everyone!

I've been on MFP for a while and I definitely have met some really cool people. I'm just in need of someone who can be a diet buddy/fitness buddy who I can share the journey with. Hopefully someone who is serious about reaching their goal and is encouraging! :-D

I am 25, weigh 165.8 and ultimate goal is to be within 115-125... also, I run, do taebo, yoga etc and am working on eating healthy and dedicated to reach my goal this year. For me, 2011 is the YEAR OF COMPLETION!!!

Look forward to making some MFP friends!


  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    Hey hun, I am 23 and aiming in the same range as you - here to support 100% :)
  • asj0901
    asj0901 Posts: 141
    Hi I am with you! I am trying to get to 135.... that is my "BC" size (before children). I will be there with you, I do P90x, Carmen electra strip to fit, and 10 min pilates. I want to be at my size by September in time for my 10 year anniversary. Let me know what I can do to support you. Do you want to do a weekly entry, with weight, high of the week, low of the week and maybe the next weeks goal? Let me know.
  • boymomthree
    boymomthree Posts: 28 Member
    My goals are in your range as well. Started out at 161. Now at 156. Goal is 140. I am
    highly motivated and commited to acheiving success once and for all. It's truly a complete
    lifestyle change. No looking back! I make it to the gym anout 4 times a week. I am ready to
    cheer to victory.
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    So glad to meet you all!!! Glad to meet more ppl on here I'm going to add you all as friendS!
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    I'm in a similar start position and am serious about getting down to 120-range also.
  • TLyn2
    TLyn2 Posts: 3
    Me too! It is a LOT easier to do with when there is someone there for yoU! I weigh 175 and i want to weigh 135. I did it before and i can do it again!

    I need motivation tho... i need to get in the habit of working out!
  • pwodek
    pwodek Posts: 13 Member
    I am on the same road you are. I am so close to my pre baby weight but still
    need some support. I do zumba, turbo jam and run on the treadmill. I have a few
    Friends that I introduced to MFP and they love the support they get.
  • alexj8403
    Me too! I need to get down to about 135, from 160ish. I definitely did it before and it was a breeze, so with enough support I'm sure I can do it again! I'm in my LAST year of law school! I have a lot of changes going on in the next year or so and I don't want to worry about if an outfit will fit or if I'm in shape... :)

    Also, I signed up for the Chicago half marathon in September, so I'm getting serious about running!

  • TLyn2
    TLyn2 Posts: 3
    GO JEN!!!!
  • whatupskinnyjeans
    whatupskinnyjeans Posts: 229 Member
    Hey I'm also looking for buddies to keep me on track. Similar age and goals (25 and 35 lb) I'm kind of mad at myself cuz I started out weighing 155 and got down to abt 142-3 when I stopped nursing my baby (she's 15 months) well over the past 6 months I gained abt 20 pounds and I really want to lose abt 30-40 pounds. My pre baby weight was 120. Any tips u can help me w/?? Right now I'm trying to eat more veggies n drink water. It's been tough getting to the gym though...
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    WOW! Ladies! I'm so glad that there are several of us who ALL need buddies! :-) Let's add each other and stay in touch! Cognrats on that marathon Jen... I have done 2 full and 2 1/2 marathons... been a while since I've been a serious runner. I'm thinking about doing another 1/2 marathon in March :-) Yay to more running!

    Hope you all have a great day!
  • crobertson1916
    I would love a buddy! I've been a member of MFP for 1 week now and have lost 1 pound. I am 27 and my goal weight is 140-145 lbs. I've been fat all of my life and I want to lose this weight before my husband's birthday in June and our 10 year anniversary in December. I go to the gym every day during my lunch hour. Good luck to all of you and I'm so glad to meet you!
  • sh3lby03
    sh3lby03 Posts: 193 Member
    I would love some MFP buddies with similar goals to me!!!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I'm a bit (ha!) older, but in the same boat. Want to get around 135, about 19 pounds to go. It's good to see people who care more about their health and fitness than just the number!
  • Sasssy69
    Sasssy69 Posts: 547 Member
    Sounds like we are in the same goal range. I sent you a request! :)
  • babydutch03
    HI!!! I am in the same goal range as well. Trying to get to about 125. That would be ideal. I need some people to keep me accountable for my diet and exercise.
  • sweetpeaga7
    I am in the same boat and in need of support, encouragement and inspiration! I am 27, no kids. Been doing P90X for 2 years (09-10'). I was 170lbs and got down to 140ish and am back up to 158 BOOOO!!! I want to be 115-120 though and hopefully by this summer so I can look cute again. My goal is to make this a lifestyle and make the weight loss stick for good along with the eating habits and working out. I am now doing Insanity work outs and they've been kicking my bootie! YAY! Feel free to add me as your friend!!! :)
  • judy02
    judy02 Posts: 19
    Hi my name is Judy Im on the same boat as all of u ladies. I want to be a buddy too!! Im 200lbs and want to go down to 140 and look cute in a nice dress..