littlemissgreedy Member


  • Hi there, I'm 5'6 and a size 14 trousers and 16 top. I weigh about 12st 7, but what size you would be at this weight depends upon your body shape. Hope this helps. x
  • Have you tried having your thyroid checked? I was much the same as you, dieting to stay the same weight and then gain 3lbs if I took a few days off. Got my blood tested and I have an underactive thyroid, have now started on meds to try and balance out the issue. Might not be the case but I would keep it in mind if this…
  • slimming world is brill if you love your food - like me! I lost a lot of weight doing it a few years back and it didn't seem too much of a struggle. Unfortunately no suitable classes in my area any more but would definately recommend it! All the best!
  • I agree with staceyb_2003. I was going to a slimming class for 6 weeks with no weight loss at all, but when I measured I had lost 12 inches! I now always make sure i measure myself - my tape measure is normally my friend far before my scales!:smile:
  • Hey, I list it as aerobics, high impact as i push myself as hard as possible during Zumba class. Have fun!
  • Hey I track it as aerobics, high impact, as I am always sweating buckets during a Zumba class!
  • Hi, if its any consolation, I was trying my hardest to do sit ups one day last week and my 7 year old son was sitting on the sofa watching me. I was doing half sit ups but on my dvd one of the instructors was doing a full sit up - when my wonderfully honest son turned to me and said "mummy it's hard to do it like that when…
  • I know, I too find it impossible to stick to the sugar limits. Every day it I go over the limits and that is mainly because I have milk in my coffee and with my breakfast. It seems a really restirctive amount that is suggested! (I know that doesn't really help you, but at least you know you're not alone!)
  • I started a Zumba class last night and was sweating buckets - didn't even notice though because i was having so much fun! Can't wait til next weeks class now!
  • Hi Angie, you sound really down on yourself - don't forget you've had two babies! I'm also a mum of two, and my youngest has just stared school so i'm only now starting to focus on looking after myself. I know I can do it and you can too! All the best with your weight loss journey!
  • I have EA active sport (first version) and it is pretty good. There are areas of the game that could be improved but it gives a varied workout, at a level that suits you. Personally I prefer the games i have that use the balance board (I use wii fit and biggest loser), but the Active Sports game is worth a try is great to…
  • I know how you feel. I was attending a diet class, sticking to it rigidly and exercising every day and didn't lose a single pound for 6 weeks. I did however lose 12 inches off various places on my body, dropped a dress size, had loads of energy and felt fab - so stick with it, it will come! Make sure you use a tape measure…