

  • Unless otherwise stated in the title of the item, the nutritional content is for cereal only. ;)
  • I got a Polar FT7 for Christmas and I absolutely love it. The chest strap is comfortable, and it seems to be relatively accurate so far - I love the calorie burn display!
  • If your goal is weight loss, you're really missing out on some great metabolic effects of weight lifting. Lifting weights will not hinder fat loss... would you rather weigh 5 pounds more than you do right now and fit into smaller clothes, or lose 5 pounds on the scale and still struggle to fit comfortably into your…
  • I've heard this is true with apple cider vinegar. I had researched it at one point and read evidence that went both ways. I did try it for a while but didn't really notice any changes...
  • I'm 27, and have struggled with bad knees forever. Mine is more of an alignment issue but is similar to runner's knee. It's just something I'll have to deal with for my entire life (unless I get a knee replacement sometime in the future...) Anyway.. I could NEVER do any of JM's workouts without my knees suffering. In my…
  • Anything with Chalene Johnson.. Turbo Jam, ChaLEAN Extreme, or Turbo Fire!! You can't go wrong with her!
  • Great minds, atgjody... great minds! LOL
  • I agree with this general estimate. It is what was used when figuring out the caloric needs in the nutrition guide.
  • For me, I would burn about 300-400 calories doing Chest/Back, Shoulders/Arms, Chest/Shoulders/Triceps, or Back & Biceps (all including the Ab Ripper X). On Legs/Back with Ab Ripper X, I would get between 500-550. With Plyometrics, I usually burned around 600. The first time I did it, I burned closer to 700 calories, but it…
  • The weight may come off quickly at first, but it will slow down to a healthy loss of 1-2 lbs per week. Sometimes, adding weightlifting may show a temporary "gain" on the scale -- don't let that discourage you!! When you lift weights, your muscles retain water & lactic acid to repair themselves - that is where the weight…
  • I definitely DO recommend the ChaLEAN videos, but if you aren't ready to make that investment, what you suggested would definitely work! I lift Monday/Wednesday/Friday .. the circuits are about 35-40 minutes. Then I usually add a HIIT workout from TurboFire. Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday I do the Fire workouts and ab work.…
  • Don't wait to strength train!! Muscle burns fat! Even if you don't start doing the ChaLEAN Extreme / TurboFire hybrid (I'm doing that now and LOVE it!!), you can always set up a routine for yourself using weights or a resistance band. Lifting weights is so important!! It will increase your metabolism, make cardio easier,…
  • 100 calorie packs of almonds is my pick!
  • I've been eating the "All Natural" entrees that Healthy Choice came out with.. no preservatives & I can pronounce all the ingredients. Not perfectly "clean" but it's great when I don't have a lot of time. The sodium counts in these seem to be lower than the originals. I add in some steamed broccoli and I'm still usually…
  • I have a subscription to FITNESS magazine & they always have routines like that ... I bet they're also available on their website! Edited to Add .. I looked on their website & they have a TON!! Go to the Workout section @ fitnessmagazine.com
  • Personally, I like to lift weights 3x per week (sometimes followed by a litle cardio depending on how long my session is). The other 3 days I do mostly cardio (maybe some light weights for indurance intervals). Maybe start out doing weights twice per week until you get comfortable and then you can increase it to three…
  • Look for something HIGH in protein! I like Luna Protein bars. Also the Zone Perfect bars are great, too. Kashi makes a great bar that is a little lower in protein than the first two I mentioned, but tastes great. They are all around 200 or so calories.
  • After I lift weights, I drink a protein shake. I buy the powder from GNC; it's a whey protein complex. I buy both vanilla & chocolate (I like vanilla & my husband likes chocolate)... the vanilla is only 100 calories and has 17g of protein. I have a little shaker cup that I mix it in (I just use 8oz cold water, but you…
  • Can you drink something? How about making a protein shake or a smoothie first thing in the morning?
  • Hmm.. if you had said you were working out on hardwood floors with running shoes, that would have been the problem :) Maybe you need to get some sort of Plyo mat (sold on Beachbody, but you can get them @ Walmart) to add extra cushion to the carpet. Just make sure you get something that won't slide around. And modify,…
  • And to answer your other question... I haven't personally done the Inferno plan, but I know that there are a lot of people who have gotten amazing results with that.
  • anolan... a few questions. 1 - are you working out on carpet or a hard surface? 2 - what kind of sneakers are you wearing? 3 - do you have a history of knee issues?
  • Yay for you!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE TurboFire! You have an advantage over most people who are new to TF in that you've probably mastered the moves in Turbo Jam. That's going to give you a great foundation for picking up the combos in TurboFire.. think of it as Turbo Jam on crack!! The music is REAL! It's so great that you'll…
  • vdub, does your HRM have a chest strap or is it just a watch? The ones with the chest strap are definitely more accurate. What kind of heart rate readings are you getting from it? Those counts do seem really high!
  • Hi Tiffany!! I am an avid reader of your blog.. I love the recipes - you're always giving me ideas! Welcome to the forums! :) --Sarah
  • If your goal for the day is 1,200 calories, you need to be consuming a net of around 1,200 calories a day. Your 620 deficit is already built into this number. If you're exercising (say you burn 300 calories in one day), you then should be eating approximately 1,500 calories per day for a net of 1,200. There are a ton of…
  • bump... anyone?? Bueller?
  • Never apologize for wanting to be healthy!! I'm assuming that the last few pounds you want to lose will still keep you within a healthy weight range .. so who cares what OTHER people think?? Your weight loss goals are just as important as anyone else's .. even someone with lots more to lose. I'm where you are .. trying to…
  • You really have to WANT to do it. I know, I know, easier said than done. But you have to make it a priority.. make YOURSELF a priority! How much better will you feel throughout the day knowing you started your morning with a run on the treadmill ?? I used to be an evening exerciser due to work constraints but I hated it! I…
  • Does it have a chest strap or is it just the watch?