Ordered Turbo Fire!!

toez79 Posts: 63 Member
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
I ordered Turbo Fire today and I'm so excited for it to arrive! I had been thinking about it for a couple weeks, but reading the comments on the boards here pushed me to finally order it!

I did Turbo Jam a lot last year, which helped me lose that first 50 lbs. I also do Kundalini Yoga with Ravi and Ana as it's a nice contrast to cardio and really helps with stretching, toning, state of mind, and endurance.

I like TJ a lot and have tried to get back into it, but I've found that I often need a "new" workout to help get me motivated and excited about exercising. I hope TF fits that bill! Plus I already know how awesome Chalene is and what great results you can get from her workouts!

I think I'll do the Inferno program right off the bat. Does anyone have any tips or advice from their success with TF?


  • Yay for you!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE TurboFire!

    You have an advantage over most people who are new to TF in that you've probably mastered the moves in Turbo Jam. That's going to give you a great foundation for picking up the combos in TurboFire.. think of it as Turbo Jam on crack!! The music is REAL! It's so great that you'll have it stuck in your head all day. Even though I was a long-time Jammer, a couple of the combos took a while to get.. but I just kept trying & now they're second nature! The HIIT workouts are a great way to get a major calorie burn in a condensed amount of time.

    I find that Chalene is even more motivating in these workouts than in Turbo Jam.... if you can believe that! :) Just do your best, make sure you've got great shoes, and a towel! You'll have to let me know how you like it.

    Have you tried her ChaLEAN Extreme program? That's a great one to hybrid with TurboFire. You get the strength training benefits from ChaLEAN Extreme mixed with the awesome TurboFire cardio... win-win!
  • toez79
    toez79 Posts: 63 Member
    Thanks for the tips! I was just thinking about getting some new shoes too! ;) Sometimes that can be a good motivator all by itself!
    I really wish the TF package would just arrive tomorrow! I don't want to wait a week! ;)
  • And to answer your other question... I haven't personally done the Inferno plan, but I know that there are a lot of people who have gotten amazing results with that.
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