

  • I have a massage from Groupon that I plan to use when I hit 10 or maybe 20 lbs. I also saw this idea on Pinterest (where else) where you have 2 glass jars and put marbles or whatever pretty thing you want in one jar labeled weight to lose w/ one object representing each pound. Then every time you lose a pound you move one…
  • I'm sure there's a lot of drama. Anytime you get a bunch of girls together there usually will be. ; ) That's a nice reward! At first I thought it said IV , not LV and I was really confused. lol.
  • Well I certainly never would have posted this topic if I thought people would get so riled up about it. I love celeb gossip sites, mags, etc. and was simply stating my opinion. It just bothers me when people seem to be of a more average size but claim to be teeny tiny. I'm a grown woman so I'm not comparing myself to…
  • Well I certainly never would have started this topic if I thought people would get so riled up about it. I love celeb gossip mags, sites, etc. and this was just an observation on my part. Sometimes it seems to me that a lot of celebrities will claim to be much smaller than they are and I think that's negative towards us…
  • I'm not body shaming and she's a celebrity. A public figure. Someone who puts herself out there to be scrutinized. I'm not talking about a co-worker or friend here. Jeez. Y'all need to lighten up.
  • Um, honey I know I'm not a size 2 or 4. I just find it irritating when people who are curvy and obviously are bigger sizes won't just own it. And I'm sorry, have you met Kim Kardashian? Are you BFFs? And if you don't like the topic, don't reply.
  • never said she couldn't have curves but there is no way she's a size 2. in vanity sizing maybe
  • um, in what universe?
  • Thanks again for all the encouragement. The butter trick is a great idea. I'll have to remember it when I get frustrated! :heart:
  • That is awesome! I can't wait til I can say the same. Great job!
  • Thanks everyone! My ticker doesn't say zero anymore. what what!
  • A lot of people hate seafood and that's totally understandable. Basically, if you hate it-don't eat it. You will be miserable if you're forcing yourself to eat foods you don't enjoy. With that being said, sometimes you have to tweak foods a little to make them more tasty. Spices can be your best friend when it comes to…
  • 27 yr old here I just started Monday so my SW is 297. I know I'd like to be back under 200 lbs., but from there I'm not really sure. I'm going to focus on little goals until I hit that 100 lb. mark and then reassess. The smallest I've ever been is about 170, but I was a size 12 then and when I look back at pictures I was…
  • I love coconut oil and use it for my hair, skin and as a lip balm. I've never used it to cook, but it is a healthy alternative. However, when I used to work at Whole Foods so many people would say they took a spoonful before each meal or a few spoonfuls a day. I don't see how that would help you lose weight or be healthy…
  • Thanks everyone! These are all really great ideas. I've yet to tell my mother how many calories the original contains. She will die. lol
  • Love the oatmeal, but especially this ^^
  • Some of those things sound good. I browsed their site a little, but I can't help but be skeptical of the kind of stuff they sell without any calories. What kinds of things are they putting in there to make this stuff devoid of calories?
  • My family goes on vacation every summer for a week and my goal is to have dropped 40 lbs. by then. It'll be around the end of June so I think it's absolutely realistic. That's my first big goal. I'm just focusing on 10 lb. increments right now though so I don't overwhelm myself.