

  • Fruit, fruit and more fruit. :) Pushes things through the system to put it nicely. :laugh:
  • Chewing gum actually makes me hungry again, does anyone else find that? Aspartame makes me very sick as it is.
  • They had me on about 800 calories a day (old points). The most depressing time of my life for sure. I learnt to fear fat and make unhealthy food choices (a swizzles double is less points as a apple etc). You couldn't pay ME to go back there.
  • It'll sound crazy, but I always take a 30 gram serving of dry cheerios with me, it's 112 calories with very little fat and a small amount of sugar, it lasts a while too! :)
  • I have a love/hate relationship with diet coke. Sometimes it's a nice 'sugary' treat when everyone else is stuffing their faces with chocolate and things that aren't good for you (I get jealous). However I DO find it makes me crave sugar more, makes me drowsy and moody and makes me colder (I can't quite explain this).…
  • TOM always used to get me, I wouldn't loose for like 2 weeks before and then I'd drop 4 pounds straight after. Skip the scales for a couple of weeks and then hop back on, you'll be surprised! Don't beat yourself up over it, you look great as it is! :) I know it can suck when the last little bit of weight doesnt seem to…
  • I've been lectured by 'experts'' so many times for my love of kiddies cereals (cookie crisp, cheerios, cocopops etc) but they've NEVER hindered my weightloss. ''Refined sugars blah blah'' My argument always is, ''It's MY breakfast, it makes me happy'', Id of never of lost the weight without my sugary cereals, because I…
  • Theres a huge difference between being skinny and being healthy! I learnt this the hard way. Best of luck in your individual journeys!
  • I never did the meetings though, so I have no idea, point counting like that for the rest of my life seems pretty daft too. I do need to eat more though for sure. It's just breaking that bad habbit. I ban myself from the gym on days like this. :sad:
  • I wish I knew, I was using the weight watchers old points system. I went from 15 stone down to 9 and a half and then kept going (just because following the plan became 'normal' to me). So I started off on about 22 points and they go down as you loose a stone.
  • I'm trying to mantain, I was hoping calorie counting would give me a better perception of what i should be eating in a day, its tricky getting away from that whole point counting thing though. It's a bit like having a bike with stabilisers and taking those stabilisers off for the first time if that makes sense.
  • I DEFINITELY went down a jeans size doing spinning, really tones up your thighs with the resistance and things. :smile:
  • Depo-Provera? I was eating full packs of chocolate digestives smeared in peanut butter daily when I was on that thing. It's horrid. I had no control over anything, you're just miserable and hungry all the time.
  • I found that diet soda was giving me sugar cravings. Since I stopped drinking diet coke and things with aspartame/sucralose in, I barely crave any of that stuff now. :)
  • Spinning is by far my favorite class at the gym! I do it twice a week. It took loads off my thighs. It's done miracles for my arms too (we do press up things on the handlebars), it's worth getting a gel cover for the seat though, otherwise you end up with a sore butt. :laugh:
  • I found Microgynon was stopping me from loosing weight, best off without it all! I had the injection before that, it was pure HELL. I was a moody cow and my weight went up and down like a seesaw. Now I'm off all the contraception, I find it so much easier to keep control of my weight. :smile: I mean I havent had the…
  • Also from the UK! :D (Bradford/Hull)
  • Hello I'm Rosie and I live in the UK too. :)