

  • Wow well done you look like a totally different person! That's really great! :-)
  • For me it's seeing people like Lacrolix and people I see on weight loss shows such as I used to be fat and the biggest loser, seeing other peoples success stories really motivates me. I have about 50lbs to lose at least so I know it's going to take a while to see a difference and have to keep telling myself that! It'd be…
  • Thanks for that I don't know why but I felt like I should be following what I was told and felt bad for not keeping it up but mostly I do stick within my daily allowances and don't usually eat too late or anything. Thanks! :-)
  • Hi I have had similar problems with my partner but he is getting better maybe at the weekends you could suggest he get up with your son one morning so you can workout then the other morning he could sleep in longer and look after your son in the afternoon for you to work out? I've had problems even shopping and trying…
  • That is hillarious!! Its a good thing I check before sending any messages! :-)
  • Hi I am also a single mother with about 40lbs to lose good luck you can do it! :-)
  • Hi you'll have to let me know what its like if you try it out I could do with a change on the wii and didn't know there was a biggest loser game. :-)
  • I have only been on MFP for 20 days and started dieting 5 days before that but i'm already starting to feel healthier and have never stuck to a diet before for more than a week, I think taking Orlistat is helping as I know I can't cheat with those or eat anything with much fat in at all! I started to feel ill and tired all…
  • Thanks yeah that helps can't believe you've lost 29lbs in 7 weeks hope it works as well for me! Thanks :-)
  • Thanks I decided to try it and started it yesterday i'm getting desperate enough to try anything now! Hopefully it will work I still don't know how much fat I should have while taking it but i'm being really careful don't want to have any accidents lol. :-)