Zehornet Member


  • Looks like I will have to stick to the time-proven solution then. It's sad, so sad. Thanks for listening though!
  • Thats a very good question. I guess Im still trying to make conversation and keep her somewhat included in my life : / The problem is that she tends to find a problem in everything about me, if I avoided all touchy topics we would honestly have nothing to bond about.
  • This sounds good! Its easy to get frustrated when the weight doesnt come off as it would when on a diet, but on the other hand it is this maneuvering space that makes sure I dont just shelf it altogether and go back to bad habits. Thanks for the post!
  • I know what you mean. I just wish the crap wasn't coming from close family though - its always easy to ignore people you dont care about. I just wish they could be happy for me, for once, without all the second guessing and crap comments. Too much to ask for! Luckily my guy is my rock through all of this, my weights buddy…
  • I have told her that already - that you need to be at caloric surplus, that you need protein, dedication, time. I had told her that her notion is complete poppycock, but alas. There is noone more blind that the guy who doesnt want to see : /
  • Wheeen you are at a restaurant with your guy, he orders a salad and a treat - AND the waiter passes you the salad on assumption you are the one who needs it. Fat shaming or just gender stereotype? YOU DECIDE!
  • Good girl! Remember that it takes tremendous courage to fall off the whole healthy vibe thing, dust yourself off and pick it up again! You can do it. x
  • My suggestion would be to get someone to do this along with you. Its always more difficult to skip sessions when you are accountable for your actions! I presume that you aren't member at a gym if you are talking about exercising at home. I am on a full-time yearly one, and I found that works for me. Nevermind that I don't…
  • Hi Ember. I'm sorry to read that you are having a rough time. As someone who works full-time and has a three hour total commute time, I can empathize with your feelings regarding limited time availability and trying to keep some time for yourself and your husband. This weight gain: did you binge or otherwise stray from…
  • Ever since I was a teenager I have been at the receiving end of weight comments from my close family , mother and father. I'm glad it worked for you, but for me it made me: Ignore her comments for 5 years because she was being stupid (I was at healthy weight). Then, once I had decided to ignore her because of this, I…
  • :brokenheart: As someone who shares the same attitude as you when it comes to pets, I can see why you might think he isnt really suited to taking care of her. However, the dog is still his property so short of talking to him and standing your ground with the reasons you gave in your post, there's not that much to do. What…
  • :noway: He might mean it well - considering that he is into healthy stuff himself. But please, please, please, if you feel really hurt by his comment (as I would, personally), DO NOT LET IT FLY BY. Sit down with him and tell him that sort of behaviour will not be tolerated. Especially when you are a size 12. Eating…
  • OP, you might not have come to the right place when you started such a thread on a calorie-counting website. With that said, I do agree with you - to a certain degree. For all the "you can do it yourself" and "lack of self control", I still see alot of "fatty-shaming" going on that people should really think twice about.…