Apinget Member


  • Macaroni and cheese (the kind with the bright yellow powder) with a can of tuna mixed in, Fried bologna sandwiches with globs of mayo, "Porcupine Meatballs" which were ground beef meatballs with cooked rice inside them so they looked like porcupines. Oil and vinegar cucumber salad with salt and garlic. My mom made due with…
  • Good luck on your noble goal! I have cosplayed through the years but in the next year or so I want to do a cosplay with my friend where I would be Cammy and she would he Chun Li from Street Fighter. We have been lifting weights and getting super toned so we could look like real fighting chicks (not to mention I don't want…
  • Crustless spinach, mushroom, and feta quiche, with a big glass or water and a pomegranate green tea, so yummy!
  • if you're eating high fat there's no need to eat high carb as well, so if you're lowering your carbs raise your fats and vise versa :) Lower carbs high fat works great for me, might not work well for you. I'd say try both to see which you like and which you feel better on. I have pre-diabetes so reducing my carbs makes me…
  • I wouldn't recommend IF on a daily basis but I will have a IF day on Thursday and Saturday. I'll stop eating around 9-10 the previous evening and then go about my day usually starting my morning with a coffee and a tablespoon of coconut oil (not a true fast I know but the coffee keeps me going at work and the coconut oil…
  • Like everyone else stated, it's more of a process rather than an overnight fix. I'm the same height as you so I understand how different weight looks on our bodies in comparison to our taller friends and trust me, I know it sucks! My weight also has the tendency to stubbornly hold on for dear life (not sure if that's from…
  • Gorgeous cheek bones!
  • Like previous posters have said, see what works for you. I've found that since going keto I have become somewhat of a light weight which is nice for my pocket book and my diet! Where I used to need at least 5 beers with a few shots here and there I can now get a nice glow from a glass of wine. I choose not to drink because…
  • http://www.lowcarbfriends.com/bbs/low-carb-recipe-help-suggestions/593996-red-velvet-cake-w-cream-cheese-frosting.html here you are! Just make sure you lower the baking time to 20-30 minutes if you make cupcakes since the recipe is factored for a cake. I made the mistake of burning my first batch...oops :embarassed:
  • I love treating myself to fancy cheeses from the store, especially this port wine infused cheddar I bought recently. Wasn't sure if it'd be good but oh man... it's amazing! It's hard to stop at the 1 oz serving. I also enjoy. . . celery with 2 TBSP almond butter walnuts dark chocolate plain Greek yogurt sliced deli meats…
  • I would say that with how active you are you should actually try to increase your caloric intake to make sure you're hitting 1200 or slightly higher. If you're working out 5 days a week (which I myself do too) you need to make sure you're properly feeding the muscles that are trying to grow which will in turn help speed up…
  • Feelin' that! Pretty bleh outside here in Austin, Texas
  • Yes! I learned the hard way about how political and personal eating choices are by mentioning keto in a "normal" board. Keto just makes so much sense to me after all my extensive research and amazing results that I forget that most of the population has a case of grain brain... :embarassed:
  • I enjoy my daily cup of joe with some heavy whipping cream, thick, creamy and delicious~ Sometimes I'll stir in a TBSP of coconut oil, it's heavenly! Great advice for OP Toxikon, took the words right out of my head!
  • Because others have mentioned the possibility of OP cutting carbs in addition to the original cardio question and have been met with tons of opposition?
  • ugh, got that once when I was walking on the stair master with my best friend, heard some guys talking and carrying on. Look behind me and there was a cell phone pointed at my booty. Both were looking at the cellphone so I can only imagine that they were trying to get a good shot. Thankfully between myself and my sassy…
  • Lots of low carb phobia on this board but, to each their own. As for OP it depends on your body and how your body holds on to fat and muscle. I am a naturally curvy woman who is able to gain and retain muscle relatively easily, but also able to gain body fat like no one's business (don't you have that?). From experience…
  • I was a cardio bunny when I first started trying to lose weight, I would wake up and jog for about 45 minutes and was becoming frustrated with how my weight and measurements weren't budging. Since I've started lifting my unwanted fat has shed off revealing a beautifully strong, toned, body. I will walk my dogs a mile or so…
  • Mmm yes, berries are generally very low carb and delicious! Another fruit that happens to be lower carb is the humble kiwi. Usually I'll halve a kiwi, eat one half and send the other with my boyfriend to work. I honestly don't eat too much fruit, small servings here and there but will indulge if I want something sweet…
  • Mcdonald's doesn't sound particularly tempting but I've never eaten their food much. Now if it was two baconators from Wendy's on sale... mmm... <3
  • Unfortunately I had the opposite problem, where I was eating about 1500 and had to go down to 1200 to start shedding fat and revealing my muscle. I cook the food for my boyfriend and I for the entire week, package it, and grab and heat when lunch or dinner rolls around. I was packing the same amount for my boyfriend and…
  • Anything with sugar makes me lose track of the moment and get lost in the pleasure of eating until I'm either sick or out of the food. The foods that are exceptionally hard for me to stop eating are ice cream, cookies and candy. The sugar takes over and I feel so powerless. I've been avoiding sugar except in controlled…
  • It's so interesting to see how similar and different everyone's lists are! Mine are in no particular order. . . 1. Eggs 2. Avocado 3. Protein powder 4. Spinach 5. Full fat greek yogurt 6. Heavy whipping cream 7. Coffee 8. Emerald Sweet & Salty chocolate and peanut butter nuts 9. Chicken 10. Beef
  • I love the convenience of popping breakfast in the microwave and going about my day. I will usually double a quiche recipe so the my boyfriend and I can both enjoy stress free meals. +Crustless Spinach Artichoke Quiche (easy to double) (Makes about 6 servings without doubling) Eggs 3 Frozen spinach 6 Ounce, thawed…
  • Delicious looking recipe! Can't go wrong with chicken and cream cheese :) If I ever am craving cream cheese (which happens often) I'll put it on pork rinds or make lunch meat roll ups with cream cheese in the middle, delicious, easy, and gets that cream cheese craving fast!
  • I usually respond about the same way, I'm not a confrontational person and feel that diet is a personal, almost sacred (to some) choice and I've never been one to shove something down someone's throat. I'm more than happy to share the joys of keto if someone asks but usually will keep it to myself, and brush off people who…
  • I signed up for Gold's Gym recently and they ask questions about your fitness goals and eating to put in a file. When I mentioned that I'm doing keto the trainer was surprised and asking (in a rather confrontational manner) why I chose the low carb lifestyle. I've gotten similar responses from my family who are all on the…
  • It took me a few months for keto to work it's wonders on my body, but it was originally due to excess calories. I cook meals for my boyfriend and I in bulk and package them for the week. I was making the mistake of portioning out the same amount for my boyfriend and myself, when in reality he needed way more calories than…