I want to get fit to cosplay! XD



  • mcpostelle
    mcpostelle Posts: 418 Member
    Whew! I'm glad I'm not the only one that wants to lose weight to do cosplay and other roleplaying things. Feel free to add me if any of you guys would like! I want to go a Bane, Harley Quinn, Vincent (FFVII), Tifa (FFVII), Bellatrix Lastrange, and many, many more! :happy:
  • I want to lose weight for cosplay too! I started dieting a couple of weeks ago. It's going pretty well so far.
    Overall I want to lose 12 kg to get to my ideal weight. Haha 12 kg will make a huge difference especially on a 4'11 girl like me haha. Lets all work hard together!!!
  • Surreal2You
    Surreal2You Posts: 16 Member
    Awesome! Although I have yet to cosplay I have been thinking of it. Anyways I hope that you are doing well and are able to accomplish your goal! Good Luck!
  • Apinget
    Apinget Posts: 41 Member
    Good luck on your noble goal!
    I have cosplayed through the years but in the next year or so I want to do a cosplay with my friend where I would be Cammy and she would he Chun Li from Street Fighter. We have been lifting weights and getting super toned so we could look like real fighting chicks (not to mention I don't want to rock a tight green swimsuit with my current little tummy pudge). I know you can do it if you set your mind too it! Perhaps carry around a picture of who you want to cosplay so if you're feeling like overeating when the going gets tough it'll remind you of what your doing this for! <3
  • TristansHawk
    TristansHawk Posts: 114 Member
    Cosplaying is awesome and a great motivation for weight-loss from what I find! My first cosplay was at Anime North in 2013 and I was unhappy with the pictures. |t prompted me to lose 20 lbs (from 155 to 135 at 5'5"). I am back to 138 lbs and want to get to 130 lbs BEFORE I finish my Nightingale cosplay from Skyrim....it has a black "liquid pleather" body suit that hugs EVERY curve @_@
    Good luck with your goals!