

  • what is the 30 day shred ??? ive never heard of it ???
  • ew cant eat tapioca pudding ....looks like frog spawn always makes me feel sick..
  • my weird food thing was when i was pregnant with my girl had major cravings for cheese and white chocolate sandwiches ! and i mean a slab of cheese and half a bar of white chocolate in each sandwich god i went through 2 massive blocks of cheese a week !!! so glad im not pregnant
  • my weird food thing was when i was pregnant with my girl had major cravings for cheese and white chocolate sandwiches ! and i mean a slab of cheese and half a bar of white chocolate in each sandwich god i went through 2 massive blocks of cheese a week !!! so glad im not pregnant
  • lol i joined in january with every incentive and it took me till may to start using it happy for you to add me as friend also as i find it helps the more motivation and other people along the way with u :)
  • hi and welcome you can add me as a friend if you like there is loads of motivation from friends on here its great :)
  • nice shoes ...... now run forrest run :)
  • have just sent u a friend request well done to your wife and well done to you for joining thats the first step its easy and i hope it works for you !
  • one of my friends on here told me the other day that you are meant to have a treat day once a week not only does it keep the cravings away but its also to do with your bodys metabolism apparently it keeps it on its toes i didnt know this till she told me as i was feeling bad that i had a huge sunday roast followed by a…
  • As with everything there is good and bad to both sides i was miserable as a teenager i was very big at school and was taunted every day which made me feel really low this was obviously the down side to being big it makes u self concious and angrry and that never goes away im afraid no matter how much weight you loose that…
  • Streatch marks dont go away but are more noticeable whenn you loose weight or after giving birth when the skin has been streched this leaves loose thin skin like scars they never fully go away but i would recomend a video workout its very slow but it uses slight movements to tighten and tone your body this will not make…
  • :happy: WOW that is an amazing story the pictures are a great inspiration its amazing you must be so dedicated and have such motivation big well done to you !!!! you look amazing you must be so proud of yourself right now :) thank u for sharing your story .