

  • I have an ice cream maker, i really need to experiment more with this ready for the summer months.
  • haha ok i laughed.... I don't understand why they try to scare us with things that at one point they were encouraging us to eat... you just can't win! I have given up my ciggarettes and my alcohol but screw you government, you're not having my beef!!!
  • I'm a restarter too. I lost two stone last year on here, but put some of it back on due to a sad family event. However, now i am back with a vengeance because i have just got engaged, and i cant face walking down the aisle overweight! High five for returning. Don't expect miracles. Take one day at a time. Achieve your goal…
  • I have been on Citalopram and didnt find it had any affect on my eating habits. However, now i am on 45mg Mirtazapine daily and have been for about 2 and a half years and i can almost say hand on heart that i have noticed an increase in appetite since taking it. Drugs are individual things, and affect different people in…
  • I make those fairly regularly. They are awesome! so glad to hear that i am not alone in this!
  • ... and yet you must be doing something right because you have lost 19 pounds! try and think of the postive things here. I have suffered from depression amongst other things for the past 13 years of my life so i can kind of see where you are coming from here. You have to hold on to the fact that you are capable of doing…
  • I'm looking at your ticker and taking inspiration in the fact that that's where i want my ticker to be some day! well done, you must be very proud :)
  • Hellllloo from Wigan! (north west) My name is Kez, i'm 26 and i'm looking to loose about 50 pounds in an ideal world! lol Always looking for new UK friends. Feel free to add me, anybody!
  • The way i see it is, if i'm not snacking on fruit i would be snacking on rubbish things, so it's the lesser of two evils!
    in Sugar Comment by kezereth May 2011
  • I'm from Wigan. Feel free to add me, i'm always looking for new friends to help support each other in our journey!
  • That would be much better! We have all been saying for years, that if the government want people to eat healthier food they should make it cheaper! Thankfully i am very frugal when it comes to healthy eating. I get alot of my fresh fruit and vegetables from discount stores and markets... but i would certainly think twice…
  • Weighing in late this week. Been busy at work and stuffs. SW : 219 1/2/11 - 217 and a 1/2 8/2/11 - 217 and a 1/4 I've had a really wierd week. I put on 2 pounds and i was really worried. Then it came off as soon as it had went on, with an extra 1/4 pound. Puzzled and frustrated i've only lost 1/4 of a pound this week. I…
  • SW : 219 TUE 2/2/11 - 217 2 pounds loss. Better than nothing!
  • Weigh in day! It needs a motivational name like Trim Tuesday or something lol I'm down 2 pounds from 219 pounds to 217 pounds. It's a loss at least :)
  • I take all of mine out and then put them back in again at the end of the day because of my job. It's a bit of a pain, but it's a labour of love :)
  • I have 3 tattoos. I'm more into my piercings. I have 25 :)
  • i think i have the same addiction as you, i seem to constantly weigh myself while i am trying to loose weight. I think i need to start doing it once a week. Personal challanges for this week: * Weigh myself once, on monday only. * Do at least 30 minutes of exercise at least 5 days a week.
  • My name is Kerry, but everybody who is close to me calls me Kez :)
  • I'm also a latecomer. starting Weight : 219
  • Ooo i'd love to give this challange a go. March 1st is an added incentive for me, it's my birthday :) Please can i join in?
  • Wigan here :)
  • I've had my OCD 'quirks' for well over ten years, but was only properly diagnosed with OCD by a health professional last year. they include: - Not being able to touch chemicals/cleaning products without feeling like ive been contaminated or poisoned. - Locking my front door / back door / all the windows / checking the oven…
  • As somebody who suffers from Depression, Anxiety, and Obsessive compulsive disorder, and has had a terrible time beating self injury over the past 10 years, you can tell your friend she's doing a wonderful job :) Together we are stronger.
  • I'm from the Uk too *high five* Somebody once gave me a little tip. If you have a big bar of chocolate break it up into portions (a few squares etc) and then put it in the freezer. then you can take out one portion as a treat whenever your treat day is and because it's a bit frozen, it tricks your brain into thinking you…
  • I put on anything between 2 - 7lbs the week of my period. Then 2-3 days after my period i go back to what i was before, sometimes maybe a pound or 2 less. I hate my period. It makes me crave junk. it's soooo hard to resist junk at this time! Anybody got any tips for sweet cravings around this time? Mine drive me mental.
  • Iphone everytime! How i ever lived without mine i will never know!
  • I'm in love with the '10 minute soloutions' DVD's. As the title suggests they are short workouts split into ten minute sections. You might not be able to find half an hour in your day, but i bet you can find a spare ten minutes a couple of times. They are a great way to sneak in cheeky exercise, and there's a whole range…
  • That's a great idea! I might give this one a try as i often struggle to things to eat. Most of the time i dont really WANT to eat, but oddly i have ONLY lost weight since i have been reaching my calorie goals. Just shows i was eating too little before and then spiralling into a pit of despair because of it. Now i eat more…
  • Wigan, England. Where the pie is king, and the weather is lacking.