So anxious!

Hey there MFP! I am not new here.. but I am restarting my journey to lose weight. Anyway, last time I was here I lost about 35 lbs within 5 months =] was great. Now I am only a week in but I am SO anxious to be like 3 months in and see where I am lol. I cant stop daydreaming about stepping on the scale and being like 20lbs down! lol.. **sigh** well so far so good so I am on my way!! =]

Anyway this post really has no point to it.. just starting up one for the heck of it =]


  • Eve53
    Eve53 Posts: 178 Member
    I feel the same way! I just started the other day and already I was looking at the scale like... oooo... and then... *sad face*. Haha, it's unrealistic to expect anything so soon but I really wanted it!
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    I feel the same way! I just started the other day and already I was looking at the scale like... oooo... and then... *sad face*. Haha, it's unrealistic to expect anything so soon but I really wanted it!

    Lol!! You know, I havent even weighed myself recently to get a starting weight! So I guess that is helping me not weigh myself.. That and I dont have a scale in the house.. LOL! I am hoping I am in for a pleasant suprise when I finally do get to weigh myself! lol
  • Eve53
    Eve53 Posts: 178 Member
    I donate plasma so I get weighed twice a week, haha. I don't have a scale either.
  • kezereth
    kezereth Posts: 41
    I'm a restarter too. I lost two stone last year on here, but put some of it back on due to a sad family event. However, now i am back with a vengeance because i have just got engaged, and i cant face walking down the aisle overweight!

    High five for returning. Don't expect miracles. Take one day at a time. Achieve your goal in good time. :)