You think it's plateu, and then your period is over...

Well, it's the week of your period and even though you have chocolate cravings, you stil keep to manage to stay under your calorie goal, but the whole week nothing seems to go off! And then, you're at the end of your period and suddenly you notice a HUGE difference :D And that makes you feel gooood!!!


  • CarolHudson11
    Oh, I hope so. It's been a long yucky week and it's only day 2 on my period. I feel better than yesterday so far, but I'm not getting on the scale yet. :)
  • starlte
    starlte Posts: 11 Member
    i was going to ask about that. How big of a difference do you usually notice? I need a little motivation here....
  • onmyway1101
    onmyway1101 Posts: 103 Member
    2 days in my period I had to weigh in.... I busted my butt the week before and I ate well and lost nothing...I am used to loosing 4-5 pounds a week.... Hopefully when I step on the scale Sunday I will see a big difference.
  • countdowntotarget
    countdowntotarget Posts: 108 Member
    I totally agree with this - pre diet I ALWAYS put on 5-7 lbs the week before my period with all the munchies - I could eat for Britan - but with being careful I have managed to maintain this week for the past couple of months - which some people may be disappointed with only losing 3 weeks of the month but when I know the alternative Im ecstatic with this followed by quite a big loss the following week - btw with me also monitoring what im eating and trying to take the healthy option and working out I dont get PMT symptoms any where near as bad - still have to push through when I feel crap though
  • Chillem
    Chillem Posts: 40
    I suddenly saw a difference of 3 pounds, while whole week it was the same of even 1 pounds more than the week before. But yesterday i sweat all day! Felt disgusted about myself, I've never sweated like that my whole life. And this morning I saw the difference, and the 3 pounds make a sense, because since last week i've been drinking like huge amounts of water and had to go to the bathroom maybe 2-3 times a day. Eventually the water had to go out my body.

    So don't feel demotived during your period, at the end of the period you'll see the reward :)
  • kezereth
    I put on anything between 2 - 7lbs the week of my period. Then 2-3 days after my period i go back to what i was before, sometimes maybe a pound or 2 less. I hate my period. It makes me crave junk. it's soooo hard to resist junk at this time!

    Anybody got any tips for sweet cravings around this time? Mine drive me mental.