activemom Member


  • there's not a magic pill???? jk
  • thanks to all. called PT today but can't get in until the 14th. ug. patience is not my strong suit. can't wait to be active again!
  • did you just rest or do PT?
  • great job! i set that goal today (again)............this time it has to happen!
  • good luck to you. sounds like you have a great attitude! you can do it! use the tools on here and start counting.............
  • crazy that the article has been out since 2001 and they're still selling the gimmicks! thanks for sharing.
  • i agree..............don't beat yourself up. it is a lifetime of work to keep your weight in check. move on! you can do it. make yourself do something different to burn calories today!
  • you can do it! get a few pieces of hard candy or chew gum! be strong!
  • pork sliced and flattened 1 tsp garlic pepper blend (i made my own with a tastefully simple garlic) 1 tsp canola oil 1/2 cup raspberry jam 2 tbsp red wine vinegar 2 tsp dijon mustard coat the pork with the garlic pepper.........cook pork in oil for 3 minutes each side........remove and keep warm.......... add jam, vinegar,…
  • i have to say that 25 minutes is pretty fast. i am definately an "average" runner and when i was peaking (marathon training for a "non runner") i won my age group in a 5K in 26 minutes. you have nothing to compare for see how the first goes and you can set a goal for your next 5K! seriously leave your…
  • good luck tomorrow! know you will rock it! a good time to complete a 5K depends on where you are in your "running life". if it is your first you have nothing to compare it to so just have fun and keep moving!
  • i have also hit a plateau.........frustrating. try changing up your workouts and eating about 100 more calories a day. i'm trying to keep a positive attitude but it is difficult! we're all in this together!
  • this is where i get stuck as well. i get to the 7-8 pound range (for the last year!) then i get frustrated and revert to my old ways. i have been sticking with it for the last 10 days.........i'm stuck but not giving up. just stay the course.............i'm trying to as well! maybe change up something in your exercise…
  • keep up the great work. i love this site. the food journal alone is a huge motivator for me (and putting in my exercise so i can eat all those hard earned exercise calories!) i agree with trying to get outside for a walk...........even if it is freezing (think of all the extra calories burned) good luck.............keep us…
  • but they're not "magically" delicious...........
  • thanks for the great motivation. i was just sitting here contemplating my day as well. kids to bus, dog for walk, me to gym (hour spin class), kid to orthodontist, usual afternoon taxi service and can't wait to sit and watch grey's anatomy tonight. thinking of plans for food for today and how many calories i can burn at…