Can't shift 1lb


I have lost 5lbs so far and have been STUCK on the last 1lb to get me to my first mini goal for the past 10 days! Whats going on? I've upped my exercise this week... and variety of exercise and I have stuck to my diet like glue! I've been so good. And nothing has moved. Nothing at all. Not a tiny tiny bit!

HELP! I don't want to do a 5 day kickstart detox because I am stacked out at work and detoxes in general give me a headache and I can't work like that. I am so early on in the weight loss journey I can't believe I've got so stuck after a measly 5lbs.



  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Are you eating your exercise calories? If not try eating them is should work, you may not be eating enough to support your workouts.
  • weemuse
    weemuse Posts: 40
    I'm stuck at 4lbs too, and feel your angst. Maybe we're not eating enough calories?
  • curleesam
    curleesam Posts: 462 Member
    Are you eating your exercise calories? If not try eating them is should work, you may not be eating enough to support your workouts.
    Agreed as it sounds like you have plateau'd and this can really help when you get to this stage. Also don't forget lots of WATER!
  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    how's your Sodium intake - you drinkin' alot of water per day?
  • activemom
    activemom Posts: 18 Member
    this is where i get stuck as well. i get to the 7-8 pound range (for the last year!) then i get frustrated and revert to my old ways. i have been sticking with it for the last 10 days.........i'm stuck but not giving up. just stay the course.............i'm trying to as well!

    maybe change up something in your exercise routine as well. muscle memory can be a culprit as well..............
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    Keep doing what you are doing but have patience. If your muscles are sore from increased exercise, that means they are retaining water and it will reflect on the scale, but eventually it will not. So do not be discouraged.
  • Colleen1980
    Colleen1980 Posts: 148 Member
    It might help you get past the frustration of the pound if you take your measurements. I've been taking mine and when I don't lose as much as I want in a week, I check my measurements and usually see much more progress there.

    Also, this is what I tell myself when I get stuck: if I'm eating less calories than I'm burning, I WILL lose weight. It's not possible that I will stay the same. So, usually, if I stay in the same place for several, infuriating days, I find that when I finally DO move, it's quite a bit.

    Hang in there. Don't let that pound beat you. You WILL lose it soon! :-)
  • MrsFoster18
    MrsFoster18 Posts: 125 Member
    I am stuck at the 7-8 pound mark and it is killing me too. Trying to push through...GOOD LUCK!
  • sabrads
    sabrads Posts: 152
    Try switching exercise routine - some people suggest switching from cardio to weights for a while to change the way their body is working - ensure you are eating all your cals back and drinking loads.
  • Denziee
    Denziee Posts: 527 Member
    no i'm not eating my exercise calories. I drink enough water (i've always drunk loads of water so this isn't a new habit) and my muscles aren't sore?? I have lots more energy and am finding certain exercises increasingly easy so I'm upping the tempo. My breathing with cardio is improving all the time I can feel it!!

    I just don't know whats wrong!! i took measurements 3 weeks ago so next week i will do again and see if theres some significant difference. I just need to see some change or else I know I will be disheartened and get my face stuck in the fridge again.

    I have another stone to lose for my wedding next year and i really want to get shifting and get to my goal weight early enough so between then and the wedding its all about maintenance.
  • Denziee
    Denziee Posts: 527 Member
    thanks for all your advice everyone. I'm going to ramp it up next week and see at the end of the week then. If there's no change then I'm going have my hair cut and walk around in my undies. That'll lose a pound (although not in actual body weight) LOL!!!
  • Sallyaa
    Sallyaa Posts: 2 Member
    I won't let you give up! Your wedding is going to be everything you dreamed of and you are going to be exactly how you have dreamed. NO wobbles allowed - fat or food! Take the advice given and eat your calories this week and see what happens. x
  • Floricienta
    You go girl! don't get too frustrated, you've been doing a great job & will eventually see the results you deserve!!!
  • Denziee
    Denziee Posts: 527 Member
    you'll be glad to know everyone that i've done my measurements! in just two weeks i've lost 4inches!! (1 off my hips, 1 off my waist, 1 off my thigh and half of my arm, half of my bust!) YAY!!!!

    and this morning..... that pesky pound has gone!