

  • LOVE these!!!!!
  • TWO and when i reach my goal...I'm getting another. It's important to me that I am able to cover them up. So they will remain on my back. When i'm back to work, I won't be judged by my choices. Hubby has two...and plans on more..but he works construction so it really doesn't matter.
  • I have had 3 c sections and 3 abdominal surgeries...I am resigned to the fact that i will never wear a bikini again..and i'm cool with that. I honestly think that each woman is different and we wear our fat in different places. I am heaviest in my arms and legs. at 160 I had a relatively flat tummy. I will always have the…
  • Hi Cyndi, my name is Kelly and I TOO am a fatty!! But we are stronger than or fat and we can do this!
  • Interesting info.... I still don't know what to do though!! LOL My husband always tells me to eat something right away in the morning to jump start your metabolism. But I'm never hungry first thing in the morning, my coffee holds me over till 9am (wake at 5). So In my mind I'm thinking if I eat...and then exercise I'm…
  • we did this tonight! and I do the same thing, I get the oriental frozen veggies. But I made sticky rice to go with it. LOTS of veggies and filled me up!!
  • we have a bag of werthers carmel hard's like 20 calories for one. It helps with my sweet tooth and last a long time for one candy. I do it probably once a week on those crazy nights where I am running both kids everywhere and I feel like i'm going to snap! haha also special K makes a choc pretzel snack bar for…
  • you are funny! I don't have the Wii Zumba...I have the DVD from zumba fitness and it kicks my *kitten*!! there are several different combos for the dvd you can do...and the longest I've been able to make it is 25 minutes. Today I'm actually thinking of walking for 20 minutes after I'm done to try and get a longer workout…
  • you look amazing!! congrates
  • thats so inspiring!!! congrates on the new YOU!!!
  • Zumba!!!!! I bought it from and LOVE LOVE LOVE it...I have no where near the stamina to make it through the whole cardio party DVD...but I will either do a few sections of it at 20 minutes or I'll do the Cardio Express Workout at 20 minutes. it's super fun...but I love latin music...The more I do it, the…
  • I have just dance 1 and 2 and The actual DVD Zumba that you buy online from Zumba fitness. It was pretty pricey for it BUT it is great!! I'm loving it but i'm so outta shape I can't do more than 25 minutes... I don't get winded with just dance like i do with I've been sticking with the Zumba DVD to get more…
  • I love my lean cuisines!!! but I'm questioning if I should be eating so many...I eat 3 maybe 4 a week for lunch. I HATE sandwiches!! so this is my alternative. This is only day 6 for I'm not sure yet how this will all pan out. I hope I'm not hurting myself my eating so many of them.
  • "Eat them. If you consume too few calories your body will start burning muscle for fuel. By not eating them, you would see the loss on the scale, but it would be muscle. You want to keep the muscle, because it will burn more calories in the long run. Slow and steady wins the race. Good luck " this answer makes the most…
  • It's not hard to stay in 1200 calories if you eat right. If you eat junk...yes. But eating with good choices, healthy choices, 1200 calories is doable....I did it once before (years ago) and it's day 6 for me this time around and I haven't had trouble at all. Rarely am i hungry. And will not starve by any means. Eating…
  • Salsa chicken!!... a family favorite Place Boneless skinless Chicken Breast or Thights in a cassarole dish. Spoon left over salsa or freshly made (or jar...but not as good!!!) over chicken. Bake in the oven for 35 minutes on 375 or until done. I usually make extra and use the left over meat for chicken tacos. I also make a…
  • I can definitely notice!! you look fabulous!
  • I broke my foot one year ago...put on 20lbs while i was laid up (inverted both ankles broke one foot) I had the soft cast and I am sympathetic to your situation. I wasn't able to do much because of both...but the bike is a great idea! once my ankles were better (bone was not 100% healed) I did the bike in therapy. I…
  • I agree...they seem over estimated....I'm going to stay on the conservative side of the numbers and see what happens. this is only day 3 for me! so lets up it all pans out at my first weigh in!
  • I agree with most, Vodka is the way to go with Diet 7up
  • You can do it!!! and you are singing my song girl! I give you props for doing the zumba class...i bought the DVD and doing it at home. I can only get through 20-25 minutes of the cardio party before I give out.