Candy Bar Craving



  • Oh yeah the Special K ones totally taste like candy bars. The Kasi Go Lean Roll ones do too.
  • gentlebreeze2
    gentlebreeze2 Posts: 450 Member
    I am a chocoholic and I haven't had a candy bar in 25 days. However, I combat my chocolate cravings daily. At one time I use to do chocolate day once a week and have a hersheys with almonds, but still stayed under my calorie goals. But now I get my chocolate fix in other more healthy ways. Cocoa roasted almonds made by emerald are good, as are chocolate cheerios or chocolate flavored mini wheat mini bites. I use all of those for snacking to keep me from going bonkers with candy, and believe me I would go bonkers.
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    If you are going to do it once a month, I say go ahead and have the candy bar.
  • bstiver
    bstiver Posts: 57 Member
    The Fiber Plus chocolate peanut butter is really good or a really good sub, that I use is the Atkins Endulge bars. I have the ones that taste like snickers lol. Its the carmel nut chocolate one.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    If you want to do it once a month I say find a bag of the mini version of the candy bar you like. (or the fun size, if they don't make a mini). Take 12 out of the bag and give the rest away. (give 'em to a friend, set 'em out at work, give 'em to an SO to take to work, whatever.) Eat your one that you want now for this month and put the rest in the freezer. Each month go in and pull out one when you really want it, let it defrost and enjoy that flavor of exactly what you want.

    Anytime during the remainder of the days, I'd say most any of the above are good suggestions. Special K, Kellogg's Fiber Plus, Fiber One bars, etc are all extremely tasty and very much like candy bars in themselves. But if you truly have a favorite candy bar, then that craving will prolly only be truly satiated by getting that exact flavor combo, so just portion control it and you should be fine. :)
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    I like the fiber bars also.What about a low calorie hot chocolate?you could drink it slow and maybe that would help with the cravings.Good luck!
  • I usually eat a Kellogs fiber plus w/ chocalate chips bar (120 cals I think) or a york peppermint patty. Also, if you are able to resist the temtaption of having the whole bag in the house, milky way or 3 musketeers minis are a good option at 40 and 30 cals a piece.
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    pure protein bars - you don't ruin your diet- only about 2-3 gm of sugar- but it's really " chocolaty " for me.. and something that's actually good for you - you get the protein in .. no guilt .. just joy :)
    my trainer said i can actually have " one per day " of course- it has to be incorp. into your kcls/carb etc budget.. but it works for me
  • taletreader
    taletreader Posts: 377 Member
    I don't know what country you're in, but during my recent stays in the US, I kind of fell in love with Luna bars. I haven't researched if their ingredients are as natural as they claim, but the taste is great, they're high in protein and have between 170-190 cal as far as I can tell. I usually buy a bunch for those 24h trans-atlantic trips where you keep eating just to keep functioning and it's very hard to control food intake.
  • stargzrlily
    stargzrlily Posts: 83 Member
    I had bought some dark chocolate chips to use to drizzle on frozen bananas.
    I wanted something crunchy and sweet earlier today, so I threw in some Kashi Go Lean Clusters (about 1/4 cup)
    in a ziploc bag with a1/2 tbsp dark choc chips. The combination of the crunchiness of the cereal with the sweetness of the choc was a real treat!
    alot of people suggest "mini" candy bars. I do not trust myself with these. I will just keep popping them and it will defeat the purpose of the mini'
  • LJ0125
    LJ0125 Posts: 89
    My favorite thing right now are Snickers ice cream mini bars. They are only 90 calories and give me a great fix.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    pure protein bars - you don't ruin your diet- only about 2-3 gm of sugar- but it's really " chocolaty " for me.. and something that's actually good for you - you get the protein in .. no guilt .. just joy :)
    my trainer said i can actually have " one per day " of course- it has to be incorp. into your kcls/carb etc budget.. but it works for me

    Mmmmm...I LOVE Pure Protein bars. They are totally my "candy bar" and one of the first things I found and added to my rotatiOn of treats when I started working out. They are super tasty and totally satisfy me. I could practically use them as a meal replacement bar if I needed to in a pinch.
  • TakeOne
    TakeOne Posts: 345 Member
    I am a huge candy and chocolate fan :) An occasional chocolate bar or a serving of gummie bears is fine as far as I am concerned. Just make sure you record it! That said, cocca roasted almonds or the cinnamon roasted almonds are a great substitute.
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    I love them too .. always looking forward to my pp bar :)

    i agree with a prior comment- with the fun size candies.. i don't trust myself either so i don't want to have it..
    " if you can't afford a second bite - don't start with the first one "

    that's for one.
    second- i'm trying to learn to eat as healthy as i can.. i want my body to get rid of all that junk - i don't want to keep reminding myself " oh.. how good this tastes ".. i want to learn to find alternatives, to find new tastes, new ways to satisfy myself- ..
    if a drug addict can't go back for just " one small dose " or alcocholic can't go back to just " one sip " even if it's once a month
    why should we ( and i consider everyone who is obese- a food addict- everyone has the right to disagree with me but this is one thing i have learned on my journey- stop deniying your problem, admit it and than find ways to fix it ).
    So as " food addicts' - don't go back to what you are trying to rid yourself of. Just my opinion.. it has worked so far for me.

    Now i'm not really " strong " enough to say i will never have a " junk " food in my life.. , each day is a work in progress and it's a fight .. but each day it seems to be getting easier and more n atural.


    " fun sized candy doesn't make fun sized butts :) "
  • we have a bag of werthers carmel hard's like 20 calories for one. It helps with my sweet tooth and last a long time for one candy. I do it probably once a week on those crazy nights where I am running both kids everywhere and I feel like i'm going to snap! haha

    also special K makes a choc pretzel snack bar for 90 calories...thats a sweet fix for me too

    good luck!!
  • lkm111
    lkm111 Posts: 629 Member
    I don't know what country you're in, but during my recent stays in the US, I kind of fell in love with Luna bars. I haven't researched if their ingredients are as natural as they claim, but the taste is great, they're high in protein and have between 170-190 cal as far as I can tell. I usually buy a bunch for those 24h trans-atlantic trips where you keep eating just to keep functioning and it's very hard to control food intake.

    Yes! Luna Bars are wonderful! I can find them at Wal-Mart.

    I also like Weight Watchers Candy Bar Ice Cream Bars. Tastes like a Snickers Ice Cream Bar, but only 150 calories.

    My last suggestion is do some extra cardio and eat what you want!
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    you could research the ingredients of your favorite candy bars. maybe you'll be so disgusted you won't want them anymore, unless you don't care about eating bugs...LOL i'm torn! i know what's in them, yet i still eat them! but i'm trying to learn how to actually make my own versions of my favorites.
    They are bugs and bug pieces in all processed foods. Our government sets a limit on how many bugs are acceptable, but bugs are in everything, it's unavoidable.
  • crystallayne
    crystallayne Posts: 109 Member
    I eat ben and jerry's every night! I just account for the calories and measure what I eat. You can not take everything away from yourself or else you will fail. This is a life style change not a diet. You need to do what you are going to be able to always do. Or else you will go crazy. So eat the candy bar you are just going to have to account for it.
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