I've let it go for too long...

I still have post-pregnancy weight to shed and my youngest just turned 5 not too long ago! <gasp> I want to lose 35 pounds and get to where I was before having kids. I have trouble with diet and exercise programs because I see so many around me having great results in the beginning and I rarely shed a pound in a week. Then that's where I get frustrated and give up. I need to see results and need the motivation and stamina to stick with it and hopefully it will all fall into place. I am hoping that the suppport of others on here helps me with this task...

I started out the new year wanting to be strict with myself with better eating habits and exercise at least three times a week. I joined Zumba classes and will take those three times a week, but I apparently forgot ALL about the diet part! My friend, Tiffany, mentioned this site so I'm game to try it out...looks great so far!

So, here's to helping each other with positive feedback and ideas...and may I have the motivation (and results!) to stick with it this time! ;)


  • MrsKelly73
    You can do it!!! and you are singing my song girl!
    I give you props for doing the zumba class...i bought the DVD and doing it at home. I can only get through 20-25 minutes of the cardio party before I give out.
  • slaos07
    slaos07 Posts: 53 Member
    I'm right there with you! My lil guy is only 2 but I'm sick of the weight. I looked at pictures from right after he was born and realized I was MUCH skinnier then... I put on this weight after he was born. I'm doing the Jillian MIchaels 30 Day Shred and I hope to see results quickly. Good Luck in your journey!
  • irishrose22
    irishrose22 Posts: 161 Member
    One day at a time, Mama!!! We can do it. :) We should go out dancing more. ;)