

  • There is nothing wrong with only drinking water. It's really all you need in liquids. The only exception might be milk, if you are not getting enough calcium in your diet (although there are a lot of arguments about whether humans need to be drinking milk made for baby cows, but that's another story!) Juices, sodas, etc…
  • Everyone is right. You need to seek help. Your lack of appetite likely doesn't have anything to do with your dieting, but more to do with your emotional state. If you don't have a Dr you feel comfortable with, speak to someone, family, friends, help line, school counsellor. You just need to ask for help. Take it from…
  • Depending on how much you have been working out and what type of workouts you are doing, you are likely increasing your metabolism. If you are doing weight programs, your muscles burn calories longer than cardio so your body becomes better at burning the fuel (food that you eat). Obviously you couldn't contnue on this…
  • I used to think the same thing! My body always naturally seems to settle a certain weight. But I will tell you that it is possible. I have surpassed my "stuck weight" by 30lbs. Not sure what your diary and exercise routines look like, but you may have to up your activity, maybe try adding weights, and really watch your…
  • I'm not 100% sure what hibachi is, but I'm assuming it's a BBQ. If the meat is grilled and there is no sauces added, it should be fine. skip the rice and ask for extra veggies. Can you handle sashimi? That's likely the best way to go for calories and low fat. The rice in the sushi adds up quick and be careful of the sauces…
  • Hi, Try cottage cheese if you like it. I know it sounds weird, but cottage cheese is high in protien and low in everything else. Enjoy!
  • You are right, you can't reduce fat in one specific area. I have been told the best way to reduce your hips is work all the muscle groups around them. Focus on butt lifting, quads, hamstings. When all these muscles get tight, they reshape the hips. Good luck
  • I too turned 40 last year (soon to be 41!!) and have gained weight since the kids were born. Here is what motivates me: - being 40 and fabulous!! - the longer I wait to get in shape, the harder it will be - it's more important now, than ever, to be in shape to avoid health issues in my "senior" years - feeling and looking…
  • Deborah - I like your attitude!!!
  • Just look for one that has nothing added, sugar, etc. 100% peanuts. Eat in moderation. It's good for you but contains a lot of calories. A PB&J sandwich is likely out of the question!! Try celery sticks with PB spread in them. Measure out your tablespoon of PB first and you'll be surprised how many celery sticks you can…
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