Stopped logging, stopped working out but I've lost weight...

I'm not bragging, it's a honest question.

I've had a rough week last week. Really wanted to just give up on this whole journey because I got tired of feeling sore all the time and having to count calories. I posted a rant on my blog on Thursday then proceeded to binge on chocolate cake and chicken wings. I also told Jillian Michaels to shove it and decided not to do any workout at all since Thursday. Friday and Saturday, ate more food, drank more booze than I have in 3 months, didn't log cuz I didn't feel like it and again, I didn't work out. I was feeling really low and just down right depressed and was sure that I've gained weight. Then I got on the scale this morning and I've lost just under 2lb. I was happy yes but almost feeling guilty. I see posts after posts on this from people who work out harder than me and who are counting each and every single calorie and they don't lose weight. I went on a 4 day binge hiatus and somehow I lost weight? I don't like feeling like I'm not in control of my weight loss...if I ate and didn't work out, I should've gained, not lost so how did I lose the weight? Is there a nutritionist out there or someone who is really knowledgeable about the way our bodies work explain to me how that happened?!

And please don't say, 'just be happy you lost the weight'...knowledge is power and i really want to know how it all works.

Thanks in advance.


  • losermomof3
    losermomof3 Posts: 386 Member
    I am not sure but I think it takes a few days to hit the scale...give it a few days and see what happens. I do however understand your struggle. I have no words of wisdom that you havent already heard before.
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I think your body is too conditioned to eating a certain number of calories and exercising. I think we all reach that point where it needs to be changed up, a major SHOCK to the body. It sounds like your body NEEDED this break. Maybe you've unknowingly been burning more, or eating less than what your body was in need of and the extra calories this week & the break from vigorous exercise allowed your body to recharge. I've had this same thing happen to me :)
  • MFPfriend
    MFPfriend Posts: 1,121 Member
    Some call it "zig-zag-ing" some call it "cheat days", some call it "plateau-breakers".
    Basically, you just confused the hell out of your body by eating more, and it said "YAY FOOD. OM NOM NOM now I can let go of some of this weight because I know I'm getting lots of food now!"

    This is why eating too low of calories doesn't work very well. The more you eat (within reason, of course) the more willing your body is to let go of the weight. Many people begin to eat more when they plateau, because it helps your body release the tight grip on it's "OMG I'm not getting enough food this sucks" attitude.

    And congrats! :D
  • petithamu
    petithamu Posts: 582 Member
    I think your body is too conditioned to eating a certain number of calories and exercising. I think we all reach that point where it needs to be changed up, a major SHOCK to the body. It sounds like your body NEEDED this break. Maybe you've unknowingly been burning more, or eating less than what your body was in need of and the extra calories this week & the break from vigorous exercise allowed your body to recharge. I've had this same thing happen to me :)

    That's really good to hear actually because I was actually really annoyed that I lost weight. I tried to explain to my boyfriend that it doesn't make any sense why I would've lost the weight..I mean...I almost feel like I was sabotaging myself on purpose these past 4 days because I got so sick of doing it all...and he said I should just be happy...but all I can think of was if my body's just going to do what it's going on regardless of how hard I try, then what is the point...sorry hon...I'm just in such a dark mood this week! Grr....
  • michbiase
    michbiase Posts: 10
    Depending on how much you have been working out and what type of workouts you are doing, you are likely increasing your metabolism. If you are doing weight programs, your muscles burn calories longer than cardio so your body becomes better at burning the fuel (food that you eat). Obviously you couldn't contnue on this path, but a few days won't change what you have trained your body to do. Also, if you have been very strict with your diet, sometimes "shocking" your body with different foods kicks it into high gear. Again, a short term situation, but it can happen. Once your body is used to working hard and burning it's fuel, a fews days isn't going to hurt, just get back to it and you should be able to maintain the loss.
  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member
    I've read that you can retain more water after you have a hard workout. Is is possible that your body needed a good rest to repair itself and let go of water?

    I also think that maybe your body has really been wanting some more calories. I'm trying the zig zag method myself. There are a few threads around here about it... maybe look into it and go back to logging with more moderate workouts. You may have just broken through a plateau!
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Two things:

    Its good to take a break from calorie counting/hard working out because it does shock the body a little and will usually help continue the weight loss. I didn't exercise for 5 weeks due to emergency surgery, pretty much ate what I wanted within reason, and my first week back to the gym I lost 12 lbs... I was only about 20 away from my goal anyway!

    It may have worked out this time, but if you continue to eat like that and not exercise it will catch up to you. If you eat more calories than you burn you will gain weight, its as simple as that.

    Don't look at this as a diet,, its a lifestyle change. If you truly want to improve your health and maintain any weight loss, you will be keeping an eye on what you eat and how much you move for the rest of your life. It sucks but that's the way it is. We got into the shape we are in by ignoring the things we do. If you correct the situation, then go back to old habits, you're old body will return. If that's okay with you (and for some it really is, not being judgemental) then just enjoy what you do and don't stress. But if you want to be healthier and stronger, you have to make that lifelong committment,,,, and that takes time, focus, energy, sacrifice. However its so worth it in the end!

    Good luck, stay strong!
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    I think your body is too conditioned to eating a certain number of calories and exercising. I think we all reach that point where it needs to be changed up, a major SHOCK to the body. It sounds like your body NEEDED this break. Maybe you've unknowingly been burning more, or eating less than what your body was in need of and the extra calories this week & the break from vigorous exercise allowed your body to recharge. I've had this same thing happen to me :)

  • kpadilla411
    I don't know how strict you are counting calories but your body needs a break every once in a while. It's a such drastic change from your old lifestyle to so few calories now that your body wants to retain fat to make sure it won't starve to death. So what I do to confuse my body is the once a week I do not count calories although I do not binge I still try to eat healthy. This confusion let's my body it's ok and I won't starve, also confusing your body will burn off more calories.
  • westcoastSW
    westcoastSW Posts: 320 Member
    What others have said, and I would add that alcohol can deplete your system of water to the point of dehydration (when you pee it all out that night and then feel thirsty/hungover the next day). So it's possible that some of the lost weight is depleted water and will come back once you rehydrate your system. But I do think that the "shock to the system" theories are having the major effect.
  • kaylenlawrence
    kaylenlawrence Posts: 211 Member
    giving your body a shock probably did the trick