

  • I totally agree...Yoplait Lights are delicious also, Apple Turnover...Cherry Cheesecake...Cinimmon Bun...theses are all just as good as ice cream to me and only 100 cal each!!!
  • Yay!!! I want in toooo.... : 1.elfie 2. Linda 3. 57 - Female 4. Would like to lose 30 lbs....right now am stuck at 177lbs...have lost 14lbs since Jan. 5. Starting Weight (to be determined on Weigh In Day March 1, 2010
  • YAYYYYYY FOR YOU!!!! How pretty you look, you should be very proud of yourself!!!! :drinker:
  • GAWWWWW.....go run some laps or something....wayyyy too much time on your hands..
  • Thanks for the Hummus update....I think I will try it! :happy:
  • Just what the heck is Hummus anyway, and what does it taste like? Never tried it....
  • Good Goin!!!!! I am glad to hear you have prevailed over your dungeon/treadmill situation. I just recently bought a new treadmill and am amazed at how far I have come. Now warming up at my previous highest speed rate and yesterday I actually ran for 20 minutes...it is indeed amazing what you can do if you really WANT to. I…
  • I made the diet brownies also, only I added one egg white. They were delicious!!!! I did not put the whole can of diet coke in, but probably only about 3/4ths and baked as directed on the box. I honestly could NOT tell the difference.
  • Sounds good to me too...
  • OK...I KNOW this is pretty dumb, but it could happen to someone else... My new digital scale is sitting on a small part of the house that is not carpeted in a hallway. I have been bummed on and off on the past few days when I really thought I HAD to have lost some weight, like long workout, extra exercise, etc. So this…
  • Wonder where you get fresh ginger?
  • I posted on this subject a while back and got a lot of good advice...however, the best bra made, in my opinion, is the one that Oprah had talked about on her show. It's call ENELL. Pretty spendy, but it works!!!! I love this and will use it till it wears out and then buy another one just for working out.
  • I just reloaded my ipod also....here are some of my new (or old) favorites; Mozilla - Freezing Michael Jackson - Beat It Train - Hey Soul Sister Iyaz - Replay Lykke Li - Possibility - odd, but I like listening to it for some reason I also have some oldies...Tears for Fears and Journey
  • WOW...where did you find the MAYBE....I printed that out and hung it next to my mirror so I could read it every day...I, too, have been through my share of heartache and I have so much empathy and understanding of that situation. Thanks for posting the MAYBE...I love it and will read it every day. I am amazed on a daily…
  • BY FAR....the most annoying is..." I AXED him if I could go along"...GAWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!
  • Just what does tofu taste like? I have always wanted to try it, but just never have. Is it pretty low cal/fat?
  • ARGHHHHHHHH........I am so whacking myself on the head...I really lost it over the weekend and am now 3lbs UP ....ohhhhhh poooooop....this is so depressing. I had pizza, drank some wine, ate several skinny cow ice creams...I feel like a total loser pig...or gainer pig. It is also pouring down rain outside and I am in the…
  • Longview, Washington....Just north of Portland, OR...
  • Well...I did try Nutrisystems...last year and although at first it was pretty good, after about a month it got truly nauseating. I had to just stop eating the stuff. I guess it began to tast just like chemicals. I think it might be good for a jump start, but no way could I be eating that stuff every day for months and…
  • Hello All: I have had my Shape Ups for about six months. At first it was pretty hard wearing them all the time and I ended up taking them off after a couple hours until I could adjust. I now wear them everyday, everywhere, and to the gym. I can tell the back of my legs and calves have gotten toned up and I definately tell…
  • Brady: I just started taking the totally amazing vitamins called Living Green Liquid-Gel Multi. I am NOT much of a pill taker, but these have been so amazing. I feel 100 times more energy and just generally healthier and happier than I have in a long time. I just began these a week ago, and the Health Food lady said they…
  • Weaklink: THANKS! and thanks to all who responded...I am not too good at replying on here yet, but want to thank everyone for their advice and ideas...
  • I will look those up on the net...thanks for the reply!!!
  • OK...I will go see if I can find the bra again and give it a try. Sounds odd, but makes sense if you think about it. I have 42DD's and have had "big boob syndrome" most of my life. I also ride horse and hate that bounce, is also embarassing. Thanks for the input...and the "support" ....snort!!!!
  • Thanks for the input....I had a hard time passing McDonalds....but with a lil cursing and floorboarding the Blazer I made it past and was quite satisfied with myself. It is pretty cold out, but I am bundling up and taking the horse for a drag down the road. Thanks again....
  • Yay!!!! I was quite happy to see this thread for us 50+. Today is my first day and it is pretty motivating to see all you hard working, devoted women out there. Bless us all on this journey!