
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    Good morning to all. I am back to the gym today. Did not exercise yesterday and am up half a pound today - even though I was below my calorie count. Exercise must be the key. No excuse since I have an elliptical at home - just too tired yesterday. Yesterday was my firsst day back at work after being off since Dec. 23 - Oh well- better luck today. susan
  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187

    As a number of you already know, I am new to this site, January 1st. But, boy, am I EVER glad I found you!

    I just want to say THANK YOU to all of you for how nicely you speak to one another. I feel like I am getting to know you and I'm really excited about the future. I feel that everyone on this thread will become someone special for me through the kind words.. With all of this enthusiasm and encouragement we are all going to be healthy, fit and fab 50+ year old women.

    Have super healthy and happy day!
  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    Morning Ladies

    I survived the holidays!! Sadly my weight loss did not. I am back on track and have lost a bit of Christmas already but won't update my ticker until Monday. It was a very busy season both at work and at home. I'm still packing up and trying to absorb all the new things into our home. We hosted a party for our 17 yr old and his friends for NY Eve. It was a blur of food prep and clean up from 4 p.m. Thursday until 1 p.m. Friday. We had 10 kids - 8 slept over on the living room floor - well they finally crashed at 5:30 a.m. All were very well behaved and all had a good time.

    I'm envious of Barb and Barbiecat getting to meet in person. That's awesome. I'm planning a meet-up with Marie (healthier for me) sometime in the future. We have talked about meeting in Toronto when we get to goal. That's about 1000 miles from here but I will save my air miles. I will have to buckle down and keep the weight off that I lose instead of losing the same 20 lbs over and over. I have entered my food for two days in a row. Thanks for the encouragement and the messages I got.

    The wellness centre I joined is having a '12 week transformation' starting Jan 11th. I'm looking forward to participating in that but I'm not interested in the awards or prizes - just the accountability and the sense of being a part of the group. My sugar was a bit high at my last dr appt so I'm aiming to lower that by Mar 1.

    That's my update!!

    Welcome to the new members. You will enjoy it here.


  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :drinker: Good morning from beautiful British Columbia! :drinker: WELCOME to all the newbies. This is a great support group.

    :happy: The troops have left, the decorations put away and I am back to my routine and feel optimistic. I am eating within my calories and am back to the gym. Yay for me. I have also purchased a new scale. A digital one, which is easier for me to read.

    The tricky part has been to convince my husband that I was really serious about losing weight. He does the grocery shopping and makes all the meals. So it took some diligent reasoning that NO ::grumble: , I did not want a glass of wine and NO :angry: , I did not want the starch.

    Newsflash: Our youngest son got engaged :heart: over Christmas and is getting married :heart: in May! :happy: Even more incentive to buckle down and battle the bulges.

    Update: My mom is doing better. I put a picture of her on my profile. I love my mom.

  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    Welcome new members and welcome back MIA's...this site is really growing...my pastor says a living church is a growing church...I think that's true of this website and thread as well.

    Kjenks and Mary, I'm with the both of you...I just sort of hung out for at least a couple of months before I did my blog and decided to join this thread and post. There are so many loving, helpful people here it's hard to believe. Anyway, Kjenks and all the new members...good luck on your journeys.

    Got my exercise out of the way early today. Am inspired by Suzy's vegetable plate lunch yesterday to order a salad at our sibling lunch today.

    Best of everything to everyone today...hope you all have a terrific day.

    :heart: Terri:heart:
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good Morning ladies,
    I am such an idiot. It makes such a difference just to take the time to record my meals and exercise. Not doing that for a few weeks was crazy. You think you are eating okay but if you do not write it down it does not work. such a simple thing that is so hard for me to do. Now that I am recording I am doing so well. I feel so for you ladies up north. It is so cold here. I cannot imagine being where you are. That is the only reason I miss my body fat. I never used to be cold.
    I went to the doctor with Heather yesterday and it is a Boy. It was very obvious. We cannot convince Emma that her baby is going to be a brother. She has been adament that it was a sister. She will have to concede in a few months. i have always been partial to boys but for some strange reason with the grandkids I prefer the girls. we kind of wanted another girl but are happy with a healthy baby boy. Now we have to start working on the name and the nursery. At least I will have a break froms sewing. I will sew some for a boy but not as much as a girl.
    Have a good day ladies and try to stay warm.
    Vicki m
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Congratulations, Vicki M. On expecting a new grandson.

    :flowerforyou: Renny, I can sympathize with you. My husband loves to cook but only his fattening meals. I have complained so much about him here that I am sure that everyone is tired of hearing it. Maybe we can support each other since we have the same problem.

    I have been very good about logging everything. Every little bite. I have a tenency to sneak a bite of something and not recording it. All those little bites add up to too many calories.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Good Morning All,

    Well this is "D-day"--going back to work after being off for several weeks. :ohwell: Thank goodness I don't have to be there til afternoon.:drinker: My doggies are going to have to readjust to my being gone. They have enjoyed having momma's lap available to them WAAAY too much!:heart: I think I have eliminated all possible temptations for "Bradley the Terror" to get into. We will see when I come home today.

    If you look at my ticker, I do have a "WOO HOO" as I posted a loss again. :drinker: :drinker: I would hope by the end of February I can say I am halfway to my goal of being down 120. I will need to up my exercise activity to make that possible, and with the whether as it is, I guess that means more walks at the mall. The only problem with going there is whenever I do, I want to go to my favorite Japanese restaurant in the food court, where they cook their meats and shrimp to order (without salt and extra sauce) and will give me extra vegetables in lieu of rice. Their food is really good, but my budget won't permit me to eat out every day--even if it is healthy!!

    VickieM--I am with you on the being cold. Barbiecat has talked about being bundled up at line dance class while others are fanning themselves. :noway: I am not at that point --yet--but I seem to feel more comfortable in my thermal underwear until the outside temp is above 50 degrees, and there are times when I feel like I just CAN'T get warm:grumble:

    Well, I have plenty to do this morning, so time to get to it. Everyone have a good day.:flowerforyou:

  • leggi002
    leggi002 Posts: 28 Member

    Well, I checked it and my RHR is almost 40 bpm lower than it was before I started losing weight and exercising regularly!:happy:

  • leggi002
    leggi002 Posts: 28 Member
    The lower resting heart rate is really cool - what a great way to track your accomplishment
  • Had a great “day one” yesterday. Good eating habits all day, stayed within calorie goals, and a good workout. Maybe even a bit short on the calories . . trying to find the balance of exercise to calories. And not trying to “eat” back all the calories burned. My husband joined a local gym and yesterday was his first day Fun to compare stories and how we’re doing. I am hoping that we can both help and support each other at home. We both like to cook, and he likes to cook fattening stuff. Having him on board and working out will help me so much! Everyone have a great day! NEVER GIVE UP! Just think about a warm July, smaller clothes, and feeling fit! This is a good article too -- http://exercise.about.com/od/exerciseforbeginners/a/30dayquickstartguide.htm

  • :flowerforyou: Is anyone else taking any vitamins or supplements? I just began taking a woman’s multivitamin, along with a calcium supplement. Not really sure if I need all that, but I am feeling like I’m missing some calcium in my diet, and hoping that the multivitamin will cover any other deficiencies. There’s a lot of material out there about the pros and cons . . . just curious.

  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    I haven't entered anything into the food diary today. I have an awful chest cold or maybe the "piggy flu" as my hubby calls it. I don't know just feel very unnecessary.

    Well back to bed, I hope this doesn't last too long.

  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I take a lot of supplements for various reasons.

    First, the women's formulations have too much calcium in them! Yep, too much. The reason is that calcium and iron compete for the same receptors and calcium always wins. So, if your multivitamin has more than 400 mg of calcium, the iron in it does not get absorbed. Also, the calcium in multi-vitamins is usually in a form that is poorly absorbed by the body.

    Therefore, IMO, the generic multi-vitamins formulated for everyone are actually better. Then, take a separate calcium supplement in the ideal form, which is calcium citrate. Also, the body does not absorb more than about 500 mg of calcium at a time. So you have to take your calcium supplements in several dose spread throughout the day and not less than 2 hours before/after taking your iron.

    The final essential supplement is Vitamin D. Most people in North America are vitamin D deficient and prior recommendations for RDA were grossly inadequate. You really want to be taking at least 1000-2000 IU of vitamin D a day. And, no, going out in the sun for 20 min. isn't enough after all. :smile:

    The nice thing about Vitamin D is that it's fat soluble so you can do things like take 50,000 IU once a week and that works just as well as taking it daily. But it's much less of a PITA.

    There are other supplements which may or may not be a good idea for you. It depends on if you have any deficiencies and what kinds of food you eat. For example, if you don't eat a lot of fish and/or eggs, you might want to supplement your omega fatty acids.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member

    I went to the doctor with Heather yesterday and it is a Boy. It was very obvious. We cannot convince Emma that her baby is going to be a brother. She has been adament that it was a sister. She will have to concede in a few months. i have always been partial to boys but for some strange reason with the grandkids I prefer the girls. we kind of wanted another girl but are happy with a healthy baby boy. Now we have to start working on the name and the nursery. At least I will have a break froms sewing. I will sew some for a boy but not as much as a girl.
    Have a good day ladies and try to stay warm.
    Vicki m

    I laughed out loud when I read about Emma wanting a sister. My brother did not "accept" that I was a girl and to calm him down and keeping from running away again (he was 4 years old and running away was going downstairs to grandma) my parents told him he could pick the name. He wanted to call me Pal after Gene Autry's horse and Jean was settled on instead. 56 years later I still have my brother to thank for my name which I do like better than what my parents had picked out.

    Vicky M- thanks for making my day.

    Got to run. I'm back at work.

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Hi everyone!

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Welcome to all our new ladies! This is a wonderful place to be.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    committed--I hope your daughter is continuing to improve!:smile:

    vickim--A new grandson! How nice!:flowerforyou:

    We were suppose to have an ultrasound done this morning but the clinic called and postponed it for 2 weeks. :ohwell: It seems they want Mary to be further along than she is!:ohwell: Just wish they had called sooner (they called this morning as we were about to leave!:huh: ) So, I did not get my morning exercise in--we went grocery shopping since we were all dressed.

    I'm going to watch Biggest Loser while on my bike so that will make up for it.:smile:

    Going to work on day one of c25k now.:happy:

    Hope everyone is staying warm!

  • Elfie1
    Elfie1 Posts: 30
    Brady: I just started taking the totally amazing vitamins called Living Green Liquid-Gel Multi. I am NOT much of a pill taker, but these have been so amazing. I feel 100 times more energy and just generally healthier and happier than I have in a long time. I just began these a week ago, and the Health Food lady said they would work really fast, boy was she right. They are made by a company called Irwin Naturals. I also added some extra Calcium and D. Sorta spendy, but wayyyyyyyy worth it.

    Today was my first day at the gym and I walked 3 miles in an hour, which is pretty good for me. I am in a very hopeful place right now....:flowerforyou:
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,582 Member
    My daughter is still in the hospital. <snip> but is showing a lot of improvement. She definitely sounds a lot better.
    I am proud of myself have not smoked and only went over my daily calories by 37 - I can live with that. Drinking lots of water:drinker:

    Good news on both counts, glad your daugher sounds better.
    REALLY glad you have not smoked during this stressful time. You can do it. It does get easier... eventually. :wink:

    Way to go, Nancy!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    So disappointed. Got home from work to find my youngest sent home from school with a fever and she is now throwing up. I had to miss my zumba class. But, she has to come first.
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good evening ladies, another good day, :smile: Did 3 miles and drank all my water plus. :blushing: I did eat 3 hershy miniatures but worked them off in exercise.:smile:
    :huh: Tomorrow is the first in the installments of taking my MIL to Christiana Hospital (which is app. a 2 hour trip each way) to see her Lung Cancer Doctor, :smokin: and she smokes like a freight train.:sick: Me and my lungs are not looking forward to that long drive. :heart: I love her to death but ughhhhh.:mad:
    :ohwell: I may not get back til late and I know she is going to want to stop at the Old Country Buffet next to the hospital. We aren't leaving until 10:30 so I am going to exercise in the morning after I clean the house.:smooched: Hope everyone has a wonderful Wednesday.:yawn: I am very tired and am going to bed now.:heart: Love (((Hugs))) and Prayers, Rose
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: