

  • I just bought it because someone on here sugested it and OMG!!! I love it! I love to feel the burn and feel the pain after...I guess I am still on that kick of no pain no gain! I plan on doing it in the mornings M-F and on Saturday go swimming (I do live in Hawaii after all...LOL) Level 1 kicked my butt! Stay with it don't…
  • I dont have anything in the house that I want...I want fat kid food, like burger king, panda express, etc. And my craving can get strong enough for me to drive all the way there just to get it...
  • If you really are that stressed, maybe now is not a good time to be taking classes. You don't want to have too much on your plate at one time. But as for your eatting I wish I had something awe inspiring but I'm the same way I get depressed and I eat too. Its not an easy thing to stop. All I can say (the pot calling the…
  • Totally!! I agree! Mine is the same way and I sacrafice myself so I don't have to listen to everyone else complain. So now I am having to change EVERYTHING to find time to get in any kind of work out! :explode:
  • Also try my fav: Granny Smith Apples with Peanut Butter!!!! :love:
  • Yeah mine is 2500 as well. But if you work out a lot and sweat it out you can fudge a little. But always remember the sodium is what holds the water weight! :)
    in sodium Comment by toxicbox January 2011
  • Your body runs on sugar, water and oxygen. I was told to not even track my sugars because the NATURAL sugars from things like fruit are some of the first things your body burns!! So as long as they are NATURAL (not candy, sodas, sweets etc) you really don't have to count them! But they are right just like anything else…
  • Homemade Pizza! Chicken and Rice with some cheese on top! (Just careful how you prepare the chicken, and try brown rice) PB&J (my fave!!) Salads OH and check out Pampered Chef website, they have recipes that provide calories and most of them are REALLY good leftovers! I usually make like two or three on Sunday night and…
  • Good ideas!!! Yeah usually I estimate on the high side too! Thanks!!! :happy:
  • I heard a glass of milk will fill you up...
  • I have taken a few of those supplements and found that depending on the person they can cause funny side effects (that they don't put on the bottle). I took one (can't remember the name) but it used to make me have muscle spasums (spelling?) so I quit taking it. I too have heard horror stories about people taking…
  • If you are like me and just fudge a little only once in a while, someone suggested to me to take at the least the top bun off then eat it. It will cut back on SOME calories and SOME salt...But the only way to do it right is to not eat processed food at all... :)
  • I wouldn't worry too much about your before everyone jumps on me let me explain. Some things might be really high is calories and/or might put you over on your calorie in take for the day but take a second to really look at those calories! Your body runs on sugar, water and oxygen so if you have a diet high…
  • Totally! Then when I tell the hubby that my hair hurts he looks at me like I'm crazy! ;) I think most of the time it is cause I have had my hair up in a bun too long. I agree with some of the ideas posted but for some people it has to be a bun. Like people in the military have to have the hair with in regulations so that…
  • Awsome! But what if the resurant is not included??? I went to dinner at Buca di Peppo and got the Penne Basilica and I can't seem to find the info how do I put that in my log??? I was thinking of just finding the highest calorie thing I can and putting that in... :)
  • My kid IS my husband. And like yours he is skinny already. I feel like the lady on the Slim-Quick commercials...anyway I think it is awsome when kids have parents that take responsiblity for their children. (It seems to be a little lacking in todays society) I hope to clean up my eatting so when we do have kids they will…