

  • I had that problem and couldn't lose a pound for three months. I decided to cut down on the carbs and am really starting to lose weight. I tend to go with more protein than carbs. Not much more, because I don't want to get close to the Atkins plan. It has really helped. Everybody is different.
  • Yeah, its has happened to me. I cut down on my sodium which helped with water retention. I could not lose weight for 3 months. I also cut down on the water (just a little) because I was drinking like a fish.
    in Dumb Scale Comment by jason7 March 2008
  • Why don't you make a video tape of why you are trying to lose weight? List all the reasons. When you feel you are losing motivation, pop it in the VCR and get revitalized.
  • Thanks guys. That is real good advice. I agree with the hydration until the start of the race. My breakfast is pretty close to your suggestions. I like the raisens idea as well. I will carry two packs of "GU" with me and will use them on the bike and running.
  • Hi Guys, The mini-triathalon training is going well. But, I realized that the season is almost here and I have one question. Does anyone know of a good breakfast to have the day of the race. I was thinking peanut butter, banana, a few noodles, pancakes (withouyt syrup) topped with fruit. Does anybody have any other…
  • I have devised so many rice cake options. I love them even more than potato chips. I used to have a potato chip problem, but not anymore. My new receipes are: Non-salted rice cakes and melted swiss cheese: You need to get Lacey low sodium cheese. It's got like 15 to 25 mg of sodium per slice (very low). I have them slice…
  • Watch your salt intake. That got me for the longest time and I couldn't lose weight. It's amazing how much salt is in processed foods. That salt holds onto water, which makes you weigh more. Also, your body kinds of goes into storage mode once you start dieting. It tends to hold onto things longer, because there is not as…
  • I'm running a mini-tri and all I can say is pay money for a good pair of shoes. Your knees and feet with thank you.
  • Hi guys, I finally am starting to shed some weight. I read all your responses and value them. I changed up my diet a little by adding protein shakes in the morning (blended with skim milk, protein powder, flax seed, banana and a touch of peanut butter). Not only are they good, but I feel a little stronger as well. Not…
  • Hi guys, I posted this question in the fitness & excersire area and had a few responses. They were good responses, but I need more. If you think you have the answer, please let me know. Here's the deal: I'm 33 and 6'1" tall and weigh 217. I've been swimming for a couple of years and dropped about 20 pounds. I'm happy about…
  • Hi guys, Any advice you can give me would help. Here's the deal. I'm training for a mini-triathalon and did the run through last weekend. The good news is I finished and I finished in 1:22. That's a pretty decent time. Here's my problem: I've been swimming for a couple years and lost about 20 pounds. I'm real happy about…
  • I really wouldn't worry about it. Actually, when I go to the gym the furthest thing from my mind is looking at people. I could care less what they look like and what they think I look like. My mission in a gym is simple: Get in, get my work out done and go home. I always remember when I'm at the gym that I'm there doing…
  • I kind of have the same issue. I'm a potato chip muncher, so I started eating rice cakes with water and they fill me up pretty good.
  • I usually go with: 1 medium banana 2 plain rice cakes/ 1 cheddar rice cake 1 south beach protein bar
  • Hi Everyone, My name is Jason and I'm new to the group. I've got about 20-30 pounds to lose. I'm training for my first mini-triathalon, so any advice you guys can give to lose weight, but maintain muscle would be greatly appreciated. Jason
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