

  • Are you one of the bike patrols patrolling the neighborhoods? Ha ha! I love Fort Drum! It's so beautiful here with grass a vibrant green I've never seen before living in the South.
  • I have a pink Polar F6 and LOVE it. Check out what's offered at your local exchange in the sporting section. That's where I got mine minus the tax :)
  • Hi ladies! I'm looking for some other military wives on MFP. I'm currently trying to lose the last 14lbs in my weight loss journey that has gone up and down since the birth of my child in 2008. I feel like I've finally gotten a grasp on the reasons I was gaining weight and why it wasn't coming off. Please feel free to add…
  • I love that you posted this! Feel free to add me :)
  • My husband stopped drinking soda right before the new year. He was extremely bloated and while his diet wasn't bad, he decided he needed to make the change of knocking out sodas first. Well, within a few days he dropped 3lbs and his bloat was gone. I, myself, have pretty much been soda free since August, and while I crave…
  • Just buy what you can afford and then if you want a nicer one, just save up! When I was first starting out, I bought a cheap one that just told me what I weighed. I didn't need to know all the extras.
  • Even with having an iPhone and the app, I still log everything on the computer.
  • I'm with ouryear. I weigh myself once in the morning and go from there. I've gotten to the point in my WL that I already know the number before stepping on the scale. Now, if you're weighing yourself all throughout the day after you eat, go to the bathroom, do exercise, etc. - that's obsessive, and when I was first losing…