need some motivational friends :) (ladies only)

hi ladies would like to talk to all of you! we can support and motivate eachother. i live in australia but feel free to add me to the people that live in other counties.

sorry to men not being sexist but i want to feel comfortable on this site and i have had some problems with creepy guys adding me.


  • KeraBohaty
    I think it is awesome to have support from other women! We all need that extra push to keep each other going!
  • Kirstie_C26
    Kirstie_C26 Posts: 490 Member
    feel free to add me hon :) i aint a 'creepy guy' lmao soz :laugh: im just a wee weird scots chick lookin to b a beta me and determined to get there :)

    best wishes
    Kirstie x
  • LivingFree
    You can add me as a friend :) Also looking for friends interested in motivation!
  • RochelleBlack
    ditto! don't need any creepers but am always looking to help motivate those who are committed to this journey!
  • AshAmzing
    I love that you posted this!
    Feel free to add me :)
  • gryfin
    gryfin Posts: 10 Member
    i wouldn't mind some friends that aren't lazy or creepers too.

    feel free to add me.

    i'll give you the alaska report.
  • amberleemoore
    amberleemoore Posts: 123 Member
    I am with the others! You can add me and I am not a creepy guy! lol I am also looking for motivating people!!!
  • fourbcrew
    fourbcrew Posts: 107 Member
    Yes, we can encourage and motivate each other. This is a journey that we can do together. Please add me as a friend ladies!!:smile:
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    feel free to add me as well. the site is great and the people are awesome.
  • MobiusMan
    MobiusMan Posts: 385 Member
    hi ladies would like to talk to all of you! we can support and motivate eachother. i live in australia but feel free to add me to the people that live in other counties.

    sorry to men not being sexist but i want to feel comfortable on this site and i have had some problems with creepy guys adding me.
    Wow, I'm sorry you feel that way but you'll be missing some very inspirational folks. I think I have seen a great deal of dignity, respect and friendship on this website. It's kind of sad that you carry an unfavorable stereotype onto the backs of 51% of the population on the planet because you have had a couple inappropriate contacts. You may not think you are being sexist but the truth is that is a textbook definition. Delete the creeps not the gender. Just the dad in me talking.

    By the way, I have never seen this request on here before....
  • chelsea32291
    Always could use motivational friends! Feel free to add me! :)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Same here! Feel free to add me. :smile:
  • Ally_Clare
    Ally_Clare Posts: 355 Member
    Hey Im an Aussie too :)

    Feel free to add me
  • Marli13
    I'm Aussie to, have been wanting them to add metric to the recipe add on....too confusing in imperial....Add me if you like.
  • Hourglass25
    Hourglass25 Posts: 340 Member
    Hey..!! You can go ahead and add me! I am friends with a couple of guys and they have been more than nice and respectful, sorry to hear that you haven't had the same experience.
  • truthiness4ever
    Count me in too! I think it's easier to stick to a diet plan when you have multiple people rooting for you! ;)
  • Rowanboat82
    Hey Ladies,

    Please can you add me as a friend, I am new to all this and am struggling, have eaten over my calories today opps xx
  • curran80

    Please feel free to add me, would like to have a few more motivational friends
  • annie422
    annie422 Posts: 114 Member
    Feel free to add me!
  • loanz
    loanz Posts: 16
    why go out of your way to post this to me when it clearly said women only... i don't feel comfortable talking about my weight infront of men other then my partner. im sure all you men are doing great in this journey but this is just how i feel. so leave me alone :)