Awesome. Feel free to add me.
While I'm 36....feel free to add me. Accountability and encouragement goes a very long way.
Feel free to add me.
Hey girl! Feel free to add me. :)
Let's do this! Put me in coach
You look great! Keep up the great work!
Feel free to add me. 120 days and going. On throughout the day. Just started a new workout reg; down 7 lbs since 1May15. Let's do this!!!!!
Request Sent:smile:
Request Sent.
This sounds like a great alternative to those days I don't want to go to the gym, but still want to do something to get off the couch. I may have to look into this as well as tell some family members. Thanks for the info Feel free to add me. Always looking for motivated friends and hearing how they are working toward their…
I was just complaining about this yesterday. My office had cupcakes, donuts, and bunt cake; why...just because. I just focus on eating something healthy while everyone else is eating all the sugar.
I love stick figures on the back window's of mini vans!
Hi, I'm Erica! My 21 Days: Not to eat sweets after dinner. I'm so bad about this. I eat heatly all day until after dinner when my sweet tooth kicks in. It's like I become a savage animal. LOL Feel free to add me. I'm always looking for motivated friends...we can keep each other in check together.
Hi everyone. I'm always looking for friends to help stay motivated. I have a trip to Jamaica in June and a wedding in October to get ready for.
Good Morning Sunshine Faces!!! Age: 33 SW: 150 CW: 146.6 GW: 135 Goal for this week: Continue to go to the gym each day, watch my calorie intake and drink plenty of water.
I've had two C-sections and had a very diastasis recti (separation of the Ab muscles). I worked my butt off and nothing seemed to work to correct the problem. I still had the separation. I finally decided to have abdominoplasty to correct the issue. Not saying this is for everyone, but this was the route I chose. I've…
Insecurities about your skin and skin tone may cause make-up to be worn. Maybe we should actually focus on working out and not what other people are doing or wearing in the gym. :)
Good Luck and welcome back. Feel free to add me. :)
AD USAF. Public Health Tech in Colorado.