

  • I fought cancer for roughly a total of 8 years, and my doctors said to NEVER drink diet drinks, for…
  • I just recently tried using oats for a pizza base, its different, has a texture like crispy pizza bases, almost a nutty flavor...... Super filling, very enjoyable, could only manage 2 small slices, so it helped with stopping over indulgence. 1/4 ounce yeast (1 packet) 1/4 teaspoon sugar substitute 1 1/4 cups warm water…
  • When I first started at the gym I was much like you are, very hard to get out of, my partner helped alot with it, now however because of work find it impossible to get to the gym, so we are saving for a cardio gym from workout world, have tested it out its brilliant, in your own home at anytime, in long run end up saving…
  • Yes you need protein, helps recovery, be aware however if you keep track of your carbohydrates, protein can be turned into a carbohydrate, you body is very efficient so if it is given to it, it will either use it to run important organs or if unused store as fat. I am not saying don't have protein, just saying to be…
  • everyone is going so well, keep up the amazing effort Aussies.... :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Hi my name is Mary-Anne I am 25 years old and I live in Australia, QLD along side the Great Barrier Reef close to Port Douglas... AMAZING pretty place :love: is it cool with everyone if i go with aussie measurements? I am currently 96kg, have very recently lost 3kg :smile: I am aiming to be roughly 75kg, but I am willing…
  • I'm in mossman/ port douglas area
  • you are all doing so well, very motivating. Thatslimgal84 wow... champion :)
  • port douglas/mossman qld.... i am 10 days in, very proud to have lost 1.7kg so far, retraining myself along the way, to ensure the weight stays lost :) would love more people to help motivate/keep me motivated.. xo
  • I have had issues with my cycle when I first got my period at 9, early starter. I was always in so much pain, when I turned 16 I finally was able to see a gyno, (after going through several who were just plain rude) I was diagnosed with endometrosis and PCOS :cry: over the years I have tried almost everything to lose…
  • hi I am a bit older than 18, I am 25 but i love this idea, I would be happy to help motivate and be motivated, I just started just a week ago, and happily have lost 1.8kg, find it hard to stay motivated but am pushing myself, already had some set backs but the main goal is still in my sights....