motivation? confidence?

Been sitting in my gym clothes for almost an hour now... I know I need to go work out, I know I should go work out, I know I will feel much better after I work out... I just can't get any get up and go! I haven't been in a couple of days because the last time I went I ended up hurting my knee and it swelled up and felt like it was full of fluid. The ONLY thing I do at the gym is walk on the treadmilll anywhere from 30 to 60 mins... I am waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too shy to attempt anything else. I hide back in this dimly lit room with 3 treamills, 3 elipticals, and 1 recumbant bike. I am ALWAYS by myself with the curtain closed. I don't know why I care so much what other people think. I would LOVE to do the 2 free sessions with a personal trainer, I would love to get out there and work on the weight machines, I would love to go into the other cardio room ... but I'm a big fat chicken. Any advice as to how to overcome this?


  • ducktasim
    ducktasim Posts: 13
    When I first started at the gym I was much like you are, very hard to get out of, my partner helped alot with it, now however because of work find it impossible to get to the gym, so we are saving for a cardio gym from workout world, have tested it out its brilliant, in your own home at anytime, in long run end up saving money. Sorry I don't have any ground breaking advice to get you able to
    workout infront ofpeople
  • KateBarnhart85
    KateBarnhart85 Posts: 125 Member
    LOL every opinion helps. Keep up your good work
  • keep2it
    keep2it Posts: 8 Member
    Here are a few things to ponder:

    - if the personal trainers at your gym have any experience at all then they will have seen plenty of overweight people who want to start getting fit and healthy. You won't be the first and you won't be the last. If anything, they are likely to be thinking 'Good on you for getting started!'
    - other people at your gym are more likely to be thinking about themselves and how they look than thinking about you. Humans are like that. And if they aren't, well, who cares what they think - all you have to do is put up with them for an hour at the gym, not bring them home with you.
    - some of them will have started out just like you. These people will give you encouraging smiles. One day you will be the person giving other people encouraging smiles.
    - and if nothing else, think of the money. Work out what those two free sessions would cost you if you had to pay for them. Why would you let that money slip through your fingers just because you feel a bit embarrassed.

    Now chin up, deep breath and off you go. Have fun.
  • jestersand
    jestersand Posts: 61 Member
    if it makes you feel any better, even buff guys are self conscience about other buff guys at the gym. It's natural to compare ourselves. I have been in your position where I am just not motivated at all! My blood feels like sand, especially after work, but those are the times I show up anyway and it turns out to be a good thing. There were times where I kept telling myself, as I was driving, that I should turn the car around and go home, but next thing you know, I was bench pressing. Here's a trick for you while at the gym; hop on the treadmill, warm up at a slow pace for about 5-10 minutes, and then increase the incline, but reduce the speed to about 2mph or 2.5mph. The incline alone is a challenge that will get your heart pumping without putting much strain on your knees. A bigger challenge would be to not hold on while you do this, but don't get too crazy yet. You can do it. :) Push yourself!
  • MarioLozano16
    MarioLozano16 Posts: 319 Member
    When you go to the gym don't look at anyone else. You're there for yourself, so focus all of your attention on you
  • kpstacy
    kpstacy Posts: 41 Member
    As a former overweight person who lost 96 lbs, I want you to know I STILL STRUGGLE WITH WORKING OUT IN FRONT OF PEOPLE. It is that self conscious, shy, people pleasing person that still exists in me. Struggling to meet expectations of people who ARE NOT REALLY PAYING ATTENTION. Now, as a personal trainer, I see this a lot. I make house calls for most of my clients and as they can more confidence I take them out doors. If the personal trainer at your gym really enjoys his job, he/she is there to help you. That is why we get into the field. We are not judging you, we are putting our hearts and knowledge into helping you better yourself! The right personal trainer can make a lot of difference. I hope you gain the confidence you need and stop isolating yourself. You are not alone.... Now, get to that gym and do your workout!!!!! AND DON'T SECLUDE YOURSELF! :)
  • KateBarnhart85
    KateBarnhart85 Posts: 125 Member
    Thanks everyone! I know I shouldn't be afraid, or self conscience thanks for listening and giving that extra nudge I need.