bjjmitchell1 Member


  • Very sweet, it really means alot when the family blends well together! Have a beautiful future!
  • Shoes need to be bigger.
  • 35 is not old at all! I wore a two peice at 35. I am 51 and wear whatever looks the best on me. I dont wear a little bikini because at my age I do think some ooooomy mesurements have dropped a bit over the years and the little two piece is not flattering anymore. There are people that a one piece looks awful on, it has…
  • I quit smoking 11 years ago at 40. I smoked about a pack a day for 25 years. The longer you go without smoking the better you feel. After 11 years I cant believe that I ever smoked. I would never be able to enjoy life and exercise at 51 if I still smoked! There is so much life to enjoy and smoking takes that all away as…
  • Looks great, how do you make the orange sauce?
  • Hey Sister! I do the Spin class at my gym at least once a week and sonetimes twice. It's really hard but worth it. I also use the bikes on the gym floor too. Like said in a reply earler you can do hills on the gym bikes, I have found that you get out of it what you put into it, if you work hard on bike you can get a good…
  • That is a great question. I do the same thing too. I had a fractured hip last summer so sometimes I run well and know I worked out BUT sometimes I take it easy and walk/jog slower for longer and dont feel as give out. I wish I knew the answer!
  • I agree with crosskat :) I usually give myself 200 cals for a 45 minute weight class. I have no idea what is really burned but this figure seems to work for me. Thanks for all the input, I had noticed that there was not a way that MFP charted weight training. I created my own.
  • Hi, I am 51 and feel pretty good. My goal is to finally lose this 20 pounds that just seems to hang around. My kids are grown now and I have to really make myself get up and do things like I use to. There is not as much running around as there was. My husband is a couch potatoe. I worry alot about his health. I hope that…
  • Thanks so much for the post. I will take your advice and read the threads. I did log my food today thru lunch ans it si quite a eyeopener! Hope to chat with you soon and thanks again! Brenda
  • I think my weight gain was brought on by two different life events my age is one. I'm 51 and have gained 10 lbs every ten years and cant seem to lose it and the other is depression. My twin sister passed away suddenly 18 months ago and I poured so much grief into running I had a stress fracture in both hips and couldnt do…