Strength Exercises

Good Morning Everyone!

So I've been doing strenght exercises for a while and really seeing results (lifting weights/abs/yoga) and It really bothers me that it does not record and calories burned for these. I know I'm burning calories because my HR increases and I sweat a lot. Am I not using the site correctly for input or does lifting weights really not count as calories burned?


  • biffy107
    You do burn calories!!!
  • Arienna
    Arienna Posts: 913
    You can add those thing under "Cardiovascular" The Strength section is pretty much there to keep track of weight/reps.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    The direct calories you burn during strength are not that much compared to cardio--and the increased heart rate and sweating that occurs is not really indicative of anything.

    The reason the MFP doesn't have a calculation for strength exercises is that the types of strength training and the individual responses to strength training are so varied, there is no way to come up with a formula that applies to everyone. MFP does not have any ability to "measure" anything. They just pull together available calculation methods and put them in a central location and user-friendly interface.

    If no methods of measuring calories exist, they can't just make one up.

    The greatest effect of strength training on weight loss is the tissue remodeling that occurs after the exercise is over. What you actually burn during the exercise is a relatively small amount and not worth writing down.
  • crosskat
    I totally disagree with Azdak. Not only do you increases your metabolic rate through strength training, but you also burn calories for hours afterward as well. The exact number of calories burned per workout depends on intensity, workout time and body composition -- so that is more likely the reason that there is not a way to automatically calcuate calories. It is not that the calories burned are negligible.

    Keep working out and building your strength! It is so important for your overall health -- even if cardio does burn more calories. If it really bothers you that the calories don't add up, use an estimate for the number burned and enter them under some random activity that you create. You are safe to enter about 200 calories for a 30 minute session. If you want more specific data to get you closer in the estimate for calories burned, you can find it on the web.
  • noremac
    noremac Posts: 8 Member
    Yes, you totally use calories when strength training, however like any thing else it is the intensity that you are putting into your exercise platform approximately 225 cal for 45 min training. round about give, or take.

    Exercise (particularly weight training) develops muscle
    Restores muscle that had been lost over the years of a sedentary modern lifestyle.
    One pound of muscle can burn 30 to 50 Calories a day
    One pound of fat burns only 3 Calories a day

    130lbs 155lbs 190lbs

    Weight lifting or body building, vigorous effort 354 422 518

    Weight lifting, light or moderate effort 177 211 259
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    I totally disagree with Azdak. Not only do you increases your metabolic rate through strength training, but you also burn calories for hours afterward as well. The exact number of calories burned per workout depends on intensity, workout time and body composition -- so that is more likely the reason that there is not a way to automatically calcuate calories. It is not that the calories burned are negligible.

    Keep working out and building your strength! It is so important for your overall health -- even if cardio does burn more calories. If it really bothers you that the calories don't add up, use an estimate for the number burned and enter them under some random activity that you create. You are safe to enter about 200 calories for a 30 minute session. If you want more specific data to get you closer in the estimate for calories burned, you can find it on the web.

    We are saying the same thing, except that I don't think that 200 calories --which may or may not be expended, you have no idea what you are burning during your strength workout--is worth tracking separately. If you think it is, then by all means, write it down.
  • bjjmitchell1
    bjjmitchell1 Posts: 12 Member
    I agree with crosskat :) I usually give myself 200 cals for a 45 minute weight class. I have no idea what is really burned but this figure seems to work for me. Thanks for all the input, I had noticed that there was not a way that MFP charted weight training. I created my own.
  • argburr
    Thank you everyone! I'll just keep doing strength traning and cardio and not worry too much about the calories burned! :D
  • Redbug
    Redbug Posts: 41
    I wear a Polar F6 heart monitor during strength training and will burn on average about 400-450 per hour and sometimes a little more depending on the intensity. Good luck and keep up the good work!