Operation Stop Smoking.

I've given myself the challenge of giving up smoking cigarettes for Lent. I truly think I'm at the point where I can stop so here it goes! I'm just looking for a little motivation and/or advice that can be offered to the many people who are on this site who continue to not smoke and lose weight! I know there are so many of you out there and I want you all to know that you are such an inspiration!


  • SugarHi
    SugarHi Posts: 452
    I never was a smoker, but I have heard this can be hard to give up. Keep your strength and will power strong. Life changes take time... but you can do it. I congratulate you dearly on giving this up!
  • lunglady
    lunglady Posts: 526 Member
    As a pulmonologist, I am so very proud of you. I wish you luck and success. This will be the best thing you EVER do for yourself. :flowerforyou:
  • smalltowngirl504
    I was a smoker.. I stopped about 2 years ago when I got pregnant with my second child, I got pregnant shortly after with my third, I weigh about 5 lbs more than when I smoked, and Ive had two kids since... I can honestly say that every once in a blue moon I still get the urge, but chew gum, find other things to do with your smoking time, if you know you smoke when you first wake up, find a morning activity to keep busy, if you smoke after you eat, which I am sure every smoker does. Then after every meal have something to keep you busy the first 2 weeks is the hardest , but its worth your health in the end!! Of if you want to eat instead of smoke, DO IT, just make it carrots or celery, or some fresh fruit... Have those things ready and available to you.... so you can compensate if you must, Just try not replace your smoking habit with an eating habit... Cold turkey was the way I did it, Ive quit 3 times, and the last time was for good... Plus those things are like 5 bucks a pack, Kudos to you for being able to afford it,

    You can also keep track of how much money you are saving and use it to buy yourself something great a REWARD gift. :) good luck, you can do it..
  • justann
    justann Posts: 276 Member
    Good for you! I quit exactly 4 weeks and 23 hrs ago and that was after a 30+ year habit. You may want to try Nicorette gum. It helped me for the first 3 weeks.
  • EKarma
    EKarma Posts: 594 Member
    You can do it! Just say no.. and Keep going.. I started when I was 13 yrs old and I quit when I got prego (quit for 4 yrs) and then started back up with a divorce (smoked for 3 yrs) and then quit Dec. 2008 and have been smoke-free since. I just didn't want to smoke, so I didn't. It's awful to say, but I didn't have a hard time with it.. I was happy to save my money.. Cigarette's aren't worth what they are selling them for.. It's absolutely insane people are buying $6 pack of cigs.. I refused to be one of those people and I don't miss being one that paid $4 a pack too..

    Now you can breathe! and you don't have to stand outside in the cold to smoke. and you don't have to stand 20 feet away from a building cause you won't be smoking anyways.. Freedom!

    love and light.x o
  • TwentyTen
    Good for you! Yes, it is impressive to see all those who have accomplished both weight loss and quitting smoking at the same time. I applaud them , and you for DOING it. Surely you can do this, and there's like a million people behind you . Definitely the best gift you could give yourself. :flowerforyou:
  • kiwiraz
    I have been smoke free for 5 weeks and on this site for about 4. I found that when I want a cigarette, I start to plan healthy meals. It has worked for me. Oh and keep lots of carrots around!
  • triggerasynapse
    Get rid of all your cigarettes and don't go and buy anymore. Don't keep any for 'in case of emergency' or 'celebratory for completing lent' or whatever excuse you think of (even the 'but that's $12 I'm about to flush down the toilet' excuse). Yes, you'll get the urge, but the more work and effort it takes to get a cigarette, the less likely you go through with it . Envision yourself as a non-smoker whenever you get the urge. Keep the inner struggle simple - if you feel like smoking don't rationalize trying to do it, just say to yourself 'I don't smoke' and make the argument end there. Take the money you would spend on cigarettes and put the cash in a jar over 40 days, if you absolutely 'need' to go buy cigarettes then take the money from your jar (it gets harder as the days go by).
    I know that seems simple and harsh- but it worked for me. I started smoking when I was 13 and by 20 I was smoking 2 packs a day. I quit, pretty much over night, 12 years ago.
  • Sarah219
    Hi I am 6 weeks and 5 days smoke free now !!!! I wont say its easy , but just take one day at a time and keep telling yourself not to have that next cigarette !!!! you can do it ....and it does get easier !!! I have also upped my exercise 1. to keep me occupied , 2. to get rid of any pent up stress etc and 3. helps me keep focussed on my body ie not wanting to overeat through not smoking !!!!
    Go for it !!!! Good Luck !!!! xxxxxxx:flowerforyou:
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    2 years 3 months 2 days 23 hours 45 minutes since my last cigg. I quit with every child I had, picked them back up after nursing them???? I quit 6 times before I finally decided enough! I quit cold turkey the last time, but I did use the gum the time before that and that did help. I would say this little chant to myself....
    I choose not to smoke
    smoking WILL kill me
    Smoking Will kill my children
    I choose not to smoke.....
    Then I would do breathing exercises for a few minutes and the urge would subside. For the first year I had urges every now and then and it really made me sad that I would always have to deal with that. I have to say that for the last year plus....I don't even have the desire and to be honest I can't believe I even smoked for as long as I did. I was 15 when I started and 41 when I finally quit for good.
    You are doing something terrific for yourself...your body has all ready started healing....Keep it up....So happy for you, you can do this.....:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • deedeehawaii
    deedeehawaii Posts: 279 Member
    Congratulations!! Quitting smoking will immediate health benefits for you. Since you live in Calif, check out their quitline services. Their website is:
    And, there are links on that site to local organizations that can help you. Make use of the different support systems that are there for you, and good luck!!
    SASSYJAX Posts: 103 Member
    My hubby has quit 5 weeks ago now, he had been smoking 30 odd years too.
    He has mental health problems so it was very hard for him but if he can do it, so can you. If you get the nibbles go for carrotss etc but my hubby has snacked on popcorn and cereal, like honey nut loops etc I think you are doing well to give up food and cigs at the same time, thats a huge ask of yourself. If I would say choose one it has to be giving up the cigs then worry about your weight later...but go girl! You deserve it.
    Cigarettes are £6.00 a pack here which I think is more in dollars , what a silly waste of money - think of the shoes you can buy - or the gym membership!!!

    Keep going, one day at a time.
    For my hubby I have marked each day with a red dot on the calender so if he wants a cig, that is what he would blow (scuse the pun!) and he was so sick when he first quit.

    KEEP GOING _ GOOD FOR YOU! good decision!
  • bjjmitchell1
    bjjmitchell1 Posts: 12 Member
    I quit smoking 11 years ago at 40. I smoked about a pack a day for 25 years. The longer you go without smoking the better you feel. After 11 years I cant believe that I ever smoked. I would never be able to enjoy life and exercise at 51 if I still smoked! There is so much life to enjoy and smoking takes that all away as you get older. When I first quit I started walking to replace the cigs and I did have to stop talking in the phone as much becuase I always smoked when I talked on the phone. I smoked as well when I drove so I kept peppermints in the ashtray of my car and ate those when I felt the urge. It was hard but everyday was better. I also started to see how cigs really smelled, when you smoke you dont notice it, I could not believe how bad it was. I also bought some purfume I really liked and as crazy as this sounds I would smell myself and take note of how good I smelled.

    The reason I quit was at 40 I noticed on hot days (I live in Atlanta) walking from the parking lot to my building to go to work I would weeze, I also had to walk thru the smoking area. It really stunk! I started looking at all my friends that smoked that were around my age and everyone had the same cough and wrinkles on their face. I knew right then it was not for me. So I made up my mind and quit. It was the best thing I ever did for me.

    I dont know this for sure but I was told that your lungs heal themselves in time and when I am 60 (which is not that long) I shoud be in pretty good "lung" shape. At least I hope so. This is something that is not easy but the benefits to you are so worth it.

    Good luck.....