

  • I agree, I used the kinect (my shape) for 30 mins the other night and only burnt 80 Cal :(
  • Honestly if you are not struggling to lose the lbs I wouldn't worry about them however everybody is different for example bread can be very good for you, full of fibre and proteins but is high in carbs and some people gain weight very easily if they eat it...the same can be said for good sugars and fats. At the end of the…
  • I love mexican and it is sooooo expensive to buy where I live not to mention full of calories! Will watch this thread with interest!
  • Going to follow this thread closely as I have a kinect and just have the 'my shape' I have been thinking about getting the active 2???
  • I found interval training the best free exercise and I just went at it hard or added hills when I needed a boost...I also went high intensity bushwalk/hicking with my daughter (16-20lbs) on my back however you can just carry a weighted pack! I have heard Zumba is really good and you maybe able to get some second hand DVDs…
  • Hey guys. Did really poorly with the eating well over the weekend. Was supposed to go to the gym today at lunch but didn't bring my gear...I MUST go tomorrow :( not looking forward to it, I find treadmills soooooo boring...but I know once I see movement again on the scales I will get motivated. As for morning sickness,…
  • Hello all, I have just read through this thread and you guys sound so lovely and it has been lovely reading as your pregnancies have developed. DP and I will not be TTCing until June as we are saving and paying off loans so that I can be a SAHM (I want to be home with my baby girl) and go back to study. I am going to be a…
  • Hey :) I have just gone through the process of losing my baby and post baby weight (22 Kg or roughly 44lbs) Just trying to lose the last 6-7 Kg to get to my ultimate goal (12-14 lbs) I started trying to lose the weight when my daughter was 7 months and I achieved my goal 6.5 Kg lower then my pre pregnancy weight in…
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