ralandon89 Member


  • Around 1500-1800 a day, depending on if it is a weight lifting day or not. When I was solely weight lifting, it was closer to 1800-2000+ a day.
  • Orgain Organic Protein Powder. https://www.amazon.com/Orgain-Organic-Protein-Powder-Chocolate/dp/B00J074W94/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_bdcrb_top?ie=UTF8
  • Height: 5'2" SW: 135 CW: 135 (just started) GW: 125-130. I would like to get rid of some fat, but I know that when I lift I tend to muscle up quickly so I'm not going to be too focused on the numbers.
  • I'm not sure what fitbit you have, but I have the charge HR. When I exercise, I have to hold down the button on the side and then it'll start recording how long I'm exercising. When I'm done, I push the button again. Hope that helps!
  • I felt like I looked even tinier after that off-week. I apparently retain a lot of water while working out, so when I did that off-week and that went away I was like, "Hey, I kinda see some abs!"
  • At any rate... I'm 6# heavier, and although I did not do any measurements, I can tell you I lost fat and my butt popped up! I have all these clothes I bought before I started NROL4W because my others didn't fit, and now the waists are too big!
  • I've included a link to my progress pic... The first is at the beginning of Stage 1, I was 125#. The second is at the end of stage 1 (which took me 7 weeks because I missed a few workouts and insisted upon making them up) and 131#. (I hope it works, I've never posted a pic on here before)
  • I'm 5'2 and sit around 122-124, depending on the day. This is up 10 lbs from where I was last year and although I'm not trying to lose the weight, I am trying to get in shape. I can't really say I have a goal weight! At one point in 2011, I was regularly doing MMA and I got down to 108, which I hadn't been since before…
  • Congrats and what a great success! I hope you don't mind me pointing this out, and maybe I'm wrong and it's just the pics, but it also looks like your skin got much clearer and healthier as YOU got healthier. You look GREAT!
  • Thank you! I will check those out!
  • Good luck! Sometimes, all we need is the knowledge and affirmation that we CAN do it. You got this!
  • I made this using shrimp and chicken the other night! Served with a side of veggie! Could probably also serve with rice or cus cus (spelling? lol) Ingredients •3 tablespoons soy sauce •2 tablespoons honey •1 tablespoon vegetable oil •juice of one lime •2 garlic cloves, minced •1-2 teaspoon Siracha •red pepper flakes, to…
  • The standards you initially found are those to initially join the USMC. After basic training, as someone else posted, they are much tougher :) You could always strive for a perfect PFT score!