whats the best way to learn?

Well... I had signed up for a personal trainer at the new gym on base, but the time they assigned me (which was NOT one of the times I said I'd be available) did not allow enough time for me to get back home, clean up, and then go to my office which is on a different installation in the area. Because it's a new gym and everybody is all gung-ho about it, another trainer won't be available until May.

I'm just frustrated. I'm only capable of doing what I know, and I don't really have anybody who can teach me "the basics." I know folks are real big on the Beach Body stuff, but it just isn't for me. I won't push myself at home because there's nobody there to see me quit like there is at the gym (I know folks probably aren't watching me at all, but I pretend they are so that I "push through" lol... The last thing I want to do is look like a big sissy infront of Marines, or when I go to the county gym, police officers, haha).

How do I learn how to use the equipment? How do I learn how to maximize my time in the gym? I love the treadmill and the rowing machine, but both were obviously fairly easy to learn how to use (I googled for technique for the rowing machine). But how do I know what to shoot for if I want to use weights or some of the other equipment?

Maybe I'm making this more difficult than it has to be, but I'm someone who is very structured and I like things spelled out for me. For example, I'm doing C25K right now, and I love how each day, I know what I'm going in and trying to accomplish. If I push myself beyond that, then fine, but at least I know what I'm there to do and finish.

Any tips or suggestions?


  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    Bodybuilding.com and muscleandstrength.com both have programs and demonstration videos. New Rules of LIfting for Women is a good place to start as well.
  • ralandon89
    ralandon89 Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you! I will check those out!