cmarsh1 Member


  • Started feb 16, lost 13 lbs! Started again this week but didn't go back to phase one? Just using all recipes. Is anyone starting at phase one again?
  • I started on Feb 16, I can't believe I'm not hungry! My friend is on day 17 and lost 12.
  • I am glad I am not the only one not seeing the scale move. I started week 7 today. I feel great and stronger. I am pushing myself with increasing weights, some push ups on my feet, and doing better with ab ripper. i am happy with how I feel just wish the scale would show it.
  • Hi, I am a teacher in Baltimore county! Yes, I always struggle with finding the time to excercise and not eat junk. I have been more dedicated in my excercise routine this time around. i am doing p 90x and I make sure everyday no matter what, I find the time for me to excercise! Good luck!
  • Jane, I agree that day 1 of week 5 was tough! Wow, I know I will feel this tomorrow!
  • I am on week 4 and I am counting my calories, eating better, and trying to increase my protein. I have not lost alot but feel better. The first week is hard, just get through it and it will get easier. I am now starting to enjoy doing it everyday!
  • I am doing the classic for the first time. I hope to try the lean next time. I am also not seeing the scale move but I can tell with my clothes and I feel much better. This is only the 4th week, I am sure the scale will move eventually!
  • Core was really hard! It takes me awhile to get used to something new, I don't like not knowing what is going to happen next. I think it will be better in 2 days. I feel so much stronger this week when doing yoga, I got much farther!
  • I will be starting week 4 tomorrow. It is going to be strange, I am so used to the routine. I think it is going to be tough to get through yoga several times in one week!
  • I am starting week 3 today. I have to say I like many of the workouts but it is hard to find the time everyday. I am starting a class tomorrow and have no idea if I will find the time or have the energy when I get home. I also keep watching the time on the tv, it would almost be better if it wasn't there. Tony is growing…
  • I also started P90X today. There were alot of push ups! Would love to keep up with you and discuss. I have been absent from here since last summer and I am ready to get back into the swing of things.
  • I am right there with you! It is hard being snowed in with nothing to do but think about food. Worst part for me is my daughter made brownies today because she was bored. They are my favorite. I keep thinking I can stay away but it is so hard! I am trying to stay busy. Good luck, I think tomorrow is going to be interesting!
  • I am having the same problem. It is very frustrating. I lost the first week and haven't moved the last 2 weeks. I feel better and my clothes fit better it would just be nice to see results on the scale. Good luck.