P90X - First timer



  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    My husband just agreed this morning to buy this on payday! I'm so excited! I know it's going to kick my butt (along with other body parts) but I'm really looking forward to the progress I'm sure I'll make. I do Taekwondo and I've read several accounts that the plyometrics really brought some major advancement to their TKD skills! Very excited for that!

    I am halfway to black belt and have realized recently that unless I step it up I won't get there.
  • cmarsh1
    cmarsh1 Posts: 23 Member
    Jane, I agree that day 1 of week 5 was tough! Wow, I know I will feel this tomorrow!
  • Thanks! It is a good place to start.
  • bonboncito
    bonboncito Posts: 210 Member
    Hey I started week two today and I'm 208 I modiefied most of the moves and I still was sore all week.lets be freiends so we can motivate each other.
  • christawill
    christawill Posts: 9 Member
    Good Luck to you!! I just started my 5th week tonight, and I am LOVING it! I am amazed at how much easier the workouts are getting, & surprised at myself b/c when I started I didnt think I was ever going to be able to keep up with them.
    Dont get discouraged- just take it one day at a time & do what you can do until you cant anymore. You will see that the things you cant do the first time around, will gradually get easier & easier until you are surprised that you are doing them right there with them.
    I tried to follow the food the first week & 1/2 but my life is so crazy it took WAY too much time to organize & plan- so now I just watch my calories, try to keep the carbs at a minimum, & try to get in enough protein. This site is great for keeping yourself in line & monitoring your progress.
    Best of luck to you, I hope you love it & cant wait to hear about your progress!
  • christawill
    christawill Posts: 9 Member
    Hi. I just started the P90X Lean today and myfitnesspal.com. Everything new. How do you log it in to the exercise section?

    It's not on the MFP database most people enter it manually with the calories they burned on their heart rate monitors. I just assume that I burn 200-300 calories depending on what workout day it is. I know, not very accurate, but I can't afford a quality HRM right now.

    THe paperwork that comes with it says that average calorie burn is 600 calories/day. I just bought a Heart Rate Monitor & am finding that some days I am 700-800 calories- & other days I am around 400; so I think that the 600 is an average of all of the workout days combined. 200-300 calories is not enough credit- you are DEFINITELY burning more than that even if you are only doing 1/2 the exercise. Think about springing for the HRM. You can get a decent one at Walmart for under $30 that will do the job & count the calories for you. You will be surprised!!
    Best of Luck!!
  • I just started today myself. I'm torn between classic and lean, but I'm leaning more towards lean for the cardio aspect and quicker results. I did shoulders and arms and ab ripper x today. Wow. Just wow. I held my own with the shoulders and arms, and I think I'll up the weight next time for some of them. But that ab ripper x was brutal. I'm excited to keep going. So, feel free to add me. I'd love the support, outlet, and advice myself. lol It's gonna be a ride. ^_^ Good luck!
  • Hi. I just started the P90X Lean today and myfitnesspal.com. Everything new. How do you log it in to the exercise section?

    It's not on the MFP database most people enter it manually with the calories they burned on their heart rate monitors. I just assume that I burn 200-300 calories depending on what workout day it is. I know, not very accurate, but I can't afford a quality HRM right now.

    THe paperwork that comes with it says that average calorie burn is 600 calories/day. I just bought a Heart Rate Monitor & am finding that some days I am 700-800 calories- & other days I am around 400; so I think that the 600 is an average of all of the workout days combined. 200-300 calories is not enough credit- you are DEFINITELY burning more than that even if you are only doing 1/2 the exercise. Think about springing for the HRM. You can get a decent one at Walmart for under $30 that will do the job & count the calories for you. You will be surprised!!
    Best of Luck!!

    I was wondering about the HRM. I saw a nice Timex one for 60 bucks, and it tracks the calories, too. I'd like to get one. I'll dream about the Polar HRMs until I'm really into my running. lol Thanks for the heads up.
  • Hi this is my first day I did it as a normal day but on the exercise thing does sweeping nd mopping or playing the xbox kennict count I heard that the Wii does but how do you add it to your exercise list
  • raglant
    raglant Posts: 16 Member
    I'm in your boat did first one this weekend and was horrible. But I'm gonna try again tomorrow.
  • I'm doing the Power90 dvd right now.. same guy who does P90x. Just started my first day today and it was awesome! I can't wait to work my way up to the good stuff!
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    I'm doing the Power90 dvd right now.. same guy who does P90x. Just started my first day today and it was awesome! I can't wait to work my way up to the good stuff!

    Great job P90 is the right place to start and if you like Tony style P90x will be your next step Good Luck
  • DaveGlasnost
    DaveGlasnost Posts: 146 Member
    WK2 Shoulders and arms yesterday. It was pretty tough, had to take a lot of breaks. I did 3/4 of the workout in the morning, and then went to the start,, did the warmup, and then finished the remaining 1/4 in the evening. Since I was a little fresher, it went pretty well, but I still managed to be sweating.

    Then it was on to Ab Ripper X. Whether it was because I was semi-rested from having to split the exercise up or not, I found I generally increased reps on every single ab ripper exercise, had a little better control, and found I could do some of the more technical ab exercises fairly well after basically being ineffective in all previous sessions. But, with breaks between every exercise, usually 15-30 sec. Mostly to take a break, sometimes just to make sure I am set up for when Tony starts the team going, write down my numbers and enjoy a 5 second break while doing so.

    I kind of hate that I wasn't able to do ab ripper directly after a full workout so I could gauge my progress, due to the fact of splitting up and therefore being less depleted from the main exercise routine. Ah well. There's always next time.

    I had planned to try to exercise in the mornings but I have already been forced to break that plan today. I have been very short on sleep lately due to insomnia issues, so when I went to bed last night I had kind of already made my mind up to stay in bed this morning, especially if my sleep pattern improved any. Which it did.

    So tonight I'm going to have to buckle down and spend most of my evening on it. Then tomorrow maybe try to work out in the morning, followed by Kenpo on Thursday, probably at night. Kenpo just seems to feel like a nighttime workout to me. Hmm....
  • Crowhorse
    Crowhorse Posts: 394 Member
    Today will be day 2 of P90x lean, and it's suppose to be the cardio portion. I'm apprehensive about doing it,and sore from doing the Core Synergistic thing (well, what I could do of it). I guess it doesn't help that I didn't sleep well last night. I'm really tired right now.

    I keep on questioning whethe I am insane and should maybe do something lesser, like P90, but that looked really boring, and Tony didn't seem as enthusiastic in that.

    Tony cracks me up in P90x.
  • Michellelenz
    Michellelenz Posts: 3 Member
    I did chest and back last night and Plyo is on deck for tonight. my arms, chest, back and underarms are still on fire! I totally love the feeling because I know it is working. I decided to start with the classic this week and keep on the same track my husband. Keep up the good work everyone!
  • Crowhorse
    Crowhorse Posts: 394 Member
    Well, did Cardio X and it did indeed kill me, but not so bad as I thought it would be. By the time it got to the tire run thing, I was too tired to do that. So I just stepped while lifting my legs rather jump. I'll work up to that.

    What do you think a low end would be for Cardio X (since I couldn't do as many as those guys on the program) calorie burn?
  • How is it week 5 already?! Time is flying. I admit to slacking a little in Phase 1 but I'm definitely bringing it in Phase 2 and 3! I've also started the Sonoma Diet to clean up my unhealthy eating habits. I love it! I can already feel a difference and it's only day 4.

    Is anyone else ready for spring? I know I am!
  • holy **** week 5 now that is really bringing it one hand push ups ..... i look like a fish out of water hoping to do two with great form by the end of week 8 .. I loved every part of this workout cant wait to do it again to better understand what Tony wants and to get better form... Bring It But again Holy ****

    I second that! Day 1 of week 5 was killer! I was actually looking forward to plyo the next day. lol
  • It has been so nice to read some of the comments. Today is day is day 40 for me and my husband. I have only lost 6 pounds but my body is changing and boy do I feel stronger. We are loosing some of our momentum though... he has had a few late nights of work and we have been rearranging our schedules to get the workouts in. We have not missed a day yet but are tired b/c of not enough sleep.

    HELP - I need some encouragement. I am also dissapointed b/c my scale is just not moving. I know it is not about the number but sometimes a little movement would be good.
  • DaveGlasnost
    DaveGlasnost Posts: 146 Member
    My 2nd bout of Yoga last night -- it went pretty darned well! I'm obviously like other beginners going to struggle to do it all right, but I am rapidly getting to the point where I can at least make a decent wobbly stab at even the harder movements. I will still not even touch Crane at this point, and I can't yet do "wheel" or the other move where you go vertical, "standing" on your shoulders.

    Unlike week 1 where I was pausing constantly in the first half, I only paused a few times! (yay!). I managed the whole program in about 1 hour and 37 minutes. It took me about 2 hours to do everything up to "happy baby" last time I did it in week 1!

    Still can't swing my leg up into runner's pose without major adjustment, I totally suck at the half-pushup (downward movement) thing where you transition down into upward dog (muscle fatigue I guess -- I also sometimes struggle to maintain upward dog), and I can't even dream at this point of doing an extra pushup before the downward dogs. Lastly, the Yoga Ab 7 or whatever it is called, still hurts badly.
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