P90X - First timer



  • cd_kc
    cd_kc Posts: 21
    Finally started px90 again, but classic instead of lean version based on suggestions here. So Chest and Back yesterday -- wow, it will take me awhile to do all of those push ups and do them well. Doing almost all on my knees so I could have better form and even went to the wall for the second set of diamond push-ups. Seems a little overwhelming.

    Another question is Ab Ripper X - I don't like it. I prefer Jackie Warner's One-on-One Core. Anyone see any problem with substituting that for the Ab Ripper X?
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    do what you need to do its your life. by the way starting slow is way smarter than doing stuff with bad form work up to it, it really isnt about how many you do.
  • cd_kc
    cd_kc Posts: 21
    Just did Plyo for the first time -- LOVED IT. And could keep up reasonably well, so I'm stoked, much better than the Chest and Back - so we all know where my "weak" area is. Also got my HR monitor work which was cool to monitor the HR and see the calories burning up!
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    hey everyone whats going on? Ok today was suppose to be a rest day but mother nature had a different plan. It was 38 degrees and sunny hardly any wind she called and called I couldn't resist so i ran and ran (6.04miles and .60 miles cool down walk) and boy did it feel wonderfull, I love running! sorry Tony when mother nature sets a beautiful day like today, a sunday, no P90x day I just had to answer the call.
  • jaybaileys
    Ab ripper is tough it took well into the 2nd month before I could do all the moves, all the reps. Just keep that in mind. You've just started probably don't want to bail on it yet. Just a thought give it a month.
  • cmarsh1
    cmarsh1 Posts: 23 Member
    I will be starting week 4 tomorrow. It is going to be strange, I am so used to the routine. I think it is going to be tough to get through yoga several times in one week!
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    I will be starting week 4 tomorrow. It is going to be strange, I am so used to the routine. I think it is going to be tough to get through yoga several times in one week!

    I feel the same way.
  • cd_kc
    cd_kc Posts: 21
    So woke up late today, and there goes my first workout and didn't track...ugh.How come I can't stay on track.
    But tomorrow's another day, even though it will be a snow day - predicting Snowmaggeden here in the midwest, but still planning on getting up tomorrow at 5 am -- that seems to be the only time for my to workout - can't seem to manage it with the working and 3 kids otherwise, but frustrating as I also like my sleep.

    anyway, should I stick with Ab Ripper X or do Jackie One-on-One and switch to Ab Ripper X a few weeks in. I feel I can do more of the moves and get a better work out but still be in some pain with Jackie's...and anyone have any tips for being able to do the Dive-bomber in the Chest & Back?
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    Caroline no tips just keep trying you'll get stronger and they will get better. :) I'm in week 4 was wondering why no ab ripper well after doing core synergistics i'm not wondering anymore. what fun
  • cd_kc
    cd_kc Posts: 21
    Did Shoulders & Arms today. Taking a break to do some work from home. Hoping to do Ab ripper + run on treadmill to make up for yesterday's lack of workout. Core Synergistics is an excellent workout -- I remember it from when I did the lean version. Definitely wakes up the core.
  • cmarsh1
    cmarsh1 Posts: 23 Member
    Core was really hard! It takes me awhile to get used to something new, I don't like not knowing what is going to happen next. I think it will be better in 2 days. I feel so much stronger this week when doing yoga, I got much farther!
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    CMarsh... I felt the same way today . hope your right about the second time around. Kempo tomorrow still cant get all those punches in the right order (i'm on of those two left feet kind) away i just keep moving and have fun. Have a great work out everyone
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    CMarsh... I felt the same way today . hope your right about the second time around. Kempo tomorrow still cant get all those punches in the right order (i'm on of those two left feet kind) away i just keep moving and have fun. Have a great work out everyone

    My son was doing Kenpo with my husband and I and he was getting really frustrated with the punches. I told him it doesn't matter JUST PUNCH!!! Who cares if it's an upper cut, jab or cross....just move those arms! I can't keep up either! :)
  • cd_kc
    cd_kc Posts: 21
    It took me awhile to get the punches. In the beginning, I separated out some of the combos, keeping the moves separate to just keep moving and was gradually able to build in the combo moves. Hang in there. There's still a couple that I have trouble with, like the Knuckles one and I usually end up substituting something similar. I've learned to really like Kenpo.
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    Did my kenpo today was fun. Do your best and forget the rest. Hope you all had great work outs too. Stretch tomorrow I guess there will be no extra exercise claories can't imagine heart rate would get high enough stretching. Oh learning self control for a day is also good. :) have a great day all
  • Michellelenz
    Michellelenz Posts: 3 Member
    I have been reading your posts and everyone is so motivating. My husband started P90X in October and has lost nearly 30 lbs and is really cut. I do some of the workouts with him occasionally but I am ready to start the program and keep with it. I thought that the lean would be best but after reading all the posts I am not so sure. What are all of the rest of you women doing, Classic or Lean? Looking forward to posting on here and getting inspiration for you all.
  • jaybaileys

    About 1/2 the women I know do the lean and 1/2 do the classic. It just depends on what you want to get out of it. If you notice in the videos there are women in all of them. Even the resistence ones. I would not be afraid of the classic if I were you. Plus your husband can help you out. If you have trouble with some of the excercises just modify them (ie. use a chair for chin ups, do push ups from your knees, lighter weights and more reps). And remember muscle burns fat. You will not get bulky like Arnold you may get shredded like Pink though. She did P90X and Drea Webber who is in P90X helped her with some of her stage performances. You can do it.
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    Im doing the classic love it. I have always loved to lift and you will not bulk up like guys girls muscle just dont do that with out really extreme work (tearing and tearing small muscle fibers) will not happen with P90X. you will look great. You could choose by thinking about this Your on the beach you see a really skinny girl she looks great,you see a skinny girl who is very tone, nice biceps muscle, great calves and thigh muscle, no back fat or arm fat ( you know that ugly stuff by the bar strap) which would you rather look like? lean for really skinnny, classic if you like the really tone look.. Have fun either way this stuff really works (i havent loss much weight yet still playing with how many calories I should eat but I dont have the ugly arm fat anymore and I'm only 4 weeks in) You gotta love it :):)
  • jkroc
    jkroc Posts: 137 Member
    I started with lean..going into week 4 now. I am planning on moving into classic on week 5 with phase 2. I am NOT seeing my scale move at all?!?!?!? iI anyone else having this problem?
  • Creiche
    Creiche Posts: 264 Member
    I started with lean..going into week 4 now. I am planning on moving into classic on week 5 with phase 2. I am NOT seeing my scale move at all?!?!?!? iI anyone else having this problem?

    Take your measurements!! I had the same experience my first time through p90x at the point you're at, and I'd gained a ton of muscle and thus got smaller, but the scale was reading the same. You're just getting stronger and building muscle!