P90X - First timer



  • JaimeNay
    JaimeNay Posts: 80 Member
    Today is day 10 of P90x for me. I was really sore the first week (especially after Plyo), but kept it up, not as sore this week. Good job everyone.
  • johnjely
    Today is day 10 of P90x for me. I was really sore the first week (especially after Plyo), but kept it up, not as sore this week. Good job everyone.

    I'm so glad to hear you're not as sore this week. I'm on day 4 and my body is screaming in protest, but I know it gets better now and am SO looking forward to it :)

    Yoga tonight after dinner, I'm really excited for it despite the length of the DVD. Keep it up, everyone!
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    great job you all 4 lbs that great! Yoga is long but worth it just do your best forget the rest I think it was the hardest dvd so far not only to follow and understand the moves but the moves themself they really ask your muscle to do things they havent before Its great When i can do the dvd well from start to finish i will know Im strong :)
  • ohiolady
    OK.. now after seeing all these posts, will get my p90X out.. did the abds/back once - will do the plyo tomorrow am!
  • YassSpartan
    YassSpartan Posts: 1,195 Member
    After over a year I'm starting a second round Monday next week. I hate that I let myself lose all my results, but this time I have different goals (better ones actually). So, to all the first timers, stick with it and bring it everyday. Trust me when I say it never gets easy, but it always shows the results when you take the photos, even when you think nothing is happening to your body.
    The success of P90X is not based on a myth but on the final results of those who complete the training and EAT properly, because the truth is, no matter how hard you workout, if you don't eat the right way, you won't get any results. So pleaseeeee, watch your diet, watch your form (is better to do less reps with good form than lots of reps with bad form), and ask, always ask when in doubt to those who have done it or are coaches.
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    oh man yoga what can i say i am weak yes it hard and yes it very long but if you were driving to the gym, working out and all that, wont you be spending at least an hour and 1/2 if your skipping this one dont it will hubble you and make you stronger. Make it a great day Bring It
  • jkroc
    jkroc Posts: 137 Member
    Yoga is very long and hard. GOOD for you for doing it :) Today is core synergistics.....
  • DS13
    DS13 Posts: 136
    I missed a day yesterday so it feels weird. Also I read through the nutrition guide and it seems I haven't been getting enough calories for the program so it might explain some of the headaches I've been getting later in the day. So I'm gonna start over and follow the nutrition properly.
  • Keisha604
    Keisha604 Posts: 126
    Doing legs&back very soon...loving all of this strength training!

    TOM is coming soon and I can definitely tell. =/ But on the bright side I'm going to Chicago with my boyfriend next weekend! Looking forward to it!
  • jaybaileys
    I would also suggest doing the Classic version. I have done it 3 times. The first 90 days I followed the diet plan to a T and lost 25 lbs and 4 inches on my waist. I went from 173 to 148 and 36 inch waist to 32. Im now about 140 and 30 inch waist. Ive done P90X+, and Insanity also. You guys should see if there are any Beachbody Fit Clubs in your area. We have one on Sundays In Pittsburgh and its great doing the workouts with other folks!
  • lovewillow
    Hi all, I got my box in the mail a few days ago and I'm raring to go! I'll be starting in a few days (gotta get my pantry in order) and I just wondered about what gear is absolutely necessary. The book makes it sounds like either dumbbells OR bands are needed, not both, and that a pull-up bar is optional. Am I reading it right?
  • vero_1
    vero_1 Posts: 85 Member
    After reading all the posts I really want to get it!! Great job everyone. So awesome that you have eachother to keep you motivated through the program. I'm doing insanity right now and was thinking to do P90X next... now I can't wait!
  • jkroc
    jkroc Posts: 137 Member
    Hi all, I got my box in the mail a few days ago and I'm raring to go! I'll be starting in a few days (gotta get my pantry in order) and I just wondered about what gear is absolutely necessary. The book makes it sounds like either dumbbells OR bands are needed, not both, and that a pull-up bar is optional. Am I reading it right?

    I am using bands and weights and no pull up bar :)
  • feelgoodoutside
    Hey guys and gals, I'm heading into week 4 P90x (it's intense!)

    Please add me so my motivation for workouts and counting calories will continue!


  • jkroc
    jkroc Posts: 137 Member
    Hey guys and gals, I'm heading into week 4 P90x (it's intense!)

    Please add me so my motivation for workouts and counting calories will continue!



    With going into week 4 ....can I ask if you how much weight you have lost and how many inches??
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    Great job everyone keep hitting play. I did back and legs today wonderful also got stronger bands for back work not really able to use bar yet but soon very soon i will.
  • feelgoodoutside
    With going into week 4 ....can I ask if you how much weight you have lost and how many inches??
    I'm really not sure, I didn't weigh myself over xmas as I'm only about 5-10lb over ideal weight. My focus for p90x was to increase strength and muscle and overall fitness. I have been eating reasonably but have only just yesterday decide to eat very well, track cals and shoot for a deficite to lose a small amount per week.

    For me I don't care so much to lose pounds, that's secondry and should happen almost naturally. I want to increase fitness and hit 20 max pullups :D

    My reps have gone up a good amount (eg 9 pullups to 11-12) but I was experienced with the workout from using a few of the DVDs in my training last yr (had injury and wasn't fit enough to do it 6days a week)

    I find the circuit training method very enjoyable and it helps me learn many varied moves :)
  • johnjely
    Week 1 of P90X Classic is finished! I did Kenpo yesterday, which was fun fun fun! Hope you're all doing well!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I am thinking of starting on Feb 7th when I get back from Florida... anyone else out there at my point?
  • jkroc
    jkroc Posts: 137 Member
    My legs are killing me!!! Today is shoulders & arms with ab ripperx. I am back on my 12 hour night shifts at the hospital tonight and tomorrow. I will need to get up early tomorrow to fit yoga in.