Any teachers???



  • StrongHeart
    StrongHeart Posts: 293 Member
    Hello all, I was wondering if there were any teachers here. I teach 2nd grade in Baltimore City, and I am struggling to balance work, exercise, and healthy eating, ahhhhh!!! :tongue:

    I have seen a few teachers on here. I am sure you can find some weight loss buddies who are teachers. I will pass this on to the few that I know. :smile:
  • cmarsh1
    cmarsh1 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi, I am a teacher in Baltimore county! Yes, I always struggle with finding the time to excercise and not eat junk. I have been more dedicated in my excercise routine this time around. i am doing p 90x and I make sure everyday no matter what, I find the time for me to excercise! Good luck!
  • veromancha
    veromancha Posts: 158 Member
    Hi there I'm a 9th grade Earth Science teacher in california! If I can do it with two little ones at home you can too! I find that getting my workout out of the way at five in the morning before I get ready for work is best fore me. However I am going to start taking some Zumba classes in the evening at least three times a week. Once you find what works for you, it will get easier :happy:
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,283 Member
    I teach 6th grade lang arts and social studies at a middle school in Colorado. I do yoga during my plan time and I do cardio right after school in my classroom most days. One of the biggest challenges for me is to make sure I drink enough water during the day...if the students are doing independent work it's not that hard but on the days when I'm doing a ton of direct instruction I'm so busy talking I forget to take a drink!
  • ace175
    ace175 Posts: 518 Member
    I'm in University to be an elementary teacher!!! :)
  • Teachers,

    Walking around our classrooms and taking the kids to lunch and fine arts is exercise. I've been using a pedometer to measure how much i walk a day and it registers around 4-5 miles. My questions is this, since this is an everyday event and something our bodies are used to, we can't count this as exercise, can we?
  • Welcome to the profession!

    Just today i was talking to another teachers and wondering if enrollment in colleges of educations are low due to the issues going on in the field, but i am glad to see that at least one more teacher will be joining the ranks.
  • I'm in University to be an elementary teacher!!! :)

    Welcome to the profession!

    Just today i was talking to another teachers and wondering if enrollment in colleges of educations are low due to the issues going on in the field, but i am glad to see that at least one more teacher will be joining the ranks
  • carolann21
    carolann21 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm a first grade teacher in Connecticut and it seems like it is always Feb. before you can come up for air. It's hard getting my own kids into their new schedules too. I end up missing the gym and not planning what I'm eating. This leads to stress and weight gain. I have promised myself to try to make my health a priority year round.
  • ace175
    ace175 Posts: 518 Member
    I'm in University to be an elementary teacher!!! :)

    Welcome to the profession!

    Just today i was talking to another teachers and wondering if enrollment in colleges of educations are low due to the issues going on in the field, but i am glad to see that at least one more teacher will be joining the ranks

    Thank you!
  • tn2010
    tn2010 Posts: 228 Member
    I teach K-5 music full-time, have 2 kids, and I'm an active musician in our community. I have to be honest, the bulk of my intense exercise came in the summer months. I started on mfp about a month before the last school year ended and spent that time getting to know the food database and realizing how out of control my portion sizes were. I lost 5 pounds during that month just by adjusting my foods and portions. Once summer came, I exercised 6 days of the week for at least 30 minutes. By the time fall came around I had lost 20 pounds and now I've lost over 30 (my ticker doesn't reflect the first 5 pounds). I am not able to exercise as much now, but I've made changes in activity while at work...for instance, I will walk to a teacher's room to deliver a message or ask a question rather than send an email. Somehow in that time I've also programmed myself to not need or desire many sweet snacks. Our staff brings snacks once a week on Friday's, so I purposely pack less in my lunch and I only take what I can't live without. I'm also lucky to work in a building of pretty health conscience people! Good luck to you, you can do it :smile:
  • mrsjcmyles
    mrsjcmyles Posts: 119 Member
    I have seen a few teachers on here. I am sure you can find some weight loss buddies who are teachers. I will pass this on to the few that I know. :smile:

  • carolann21
    carolann21 Posts: 3 Member
    I have a few days of Feb. vacation off and I'm realizing just how stressed I feel all the time. I use food to make me feel better. I'm trying to find some things that can be stress reducers in my life. Any suggestions?
  • I'm itinerant special ed which means LOTS of eating on the run and sometimes in my car between schools. I eat breakfast after getting my own 2 special ed kids on the bus and leave the house with a cooler every day filled with easy to eat clean foods (2 snacks and lunch) and all the water I will need for the day.

    My district offers incentive for working out 10x/mo so I take Zumba (8x) and that only requires I hit the gym 2 additional times per month. Otherwise, I use the Leslie Sansone Walk At Home Walking DVDs.

    I'd be happy to be 'friends' with you if you want advice, support and ideas (see my diary). Good luck!
  • Dan112358
    Dan112358 Posts: 525 Member
    I teach high school math in Ontario, Canada. I love the job and am good about packing a healthy lunch, I just wish solving quadratic equations burned more calories! The nice part is I can get home after school and get a workout in before making dinner.
  • harbs
    harbs Posts: 4
    Secondary math teacher... while I don't have the grading load of an English teacher it is still a HUGE struggle. I coach basketball (because there is nobody else willing... not that I know anything about the sport), and spend 80+ hours a month from december to march coaching and going to tournaments. I cheat a bit and get my workout in with the kids, anything I make them do in practice, I have to do too. So if it's run 4 suicides, I'm doing it too... far behind and hacking, but I do. You just have to decide what's important to you and make the time to do it. We're all with you wishing success!
  • blondiebrooke
    blondiebrooke Posts: 15 Member
    totally! i'm a school counselor at a 1-5, 700 students! definitely stressful and it is hard to fit in exercise. I started the 30 day shred with Jillian Michael's, it's helpful since it's only 30 min! Totally understand how hard it is to fit everything in though!!
  • daddyratty
    daddyratty Posts: 305 Member
    I teach high school math in a rural town in California.
  • hilhall822
    hilhall822 Posts: 116 Member
    I teach high school French in washington state! I'm ALL about packing my own lunches- I try to do it the night before or pack leftovers of veggie-filled dinners from that night. The hardest part is not eating the awesome PTA treats! (They had a chocolate fondue fountain earlier last month!)
  • harbs
    harbs Posts: 4
    I teach high school math in Ontario, Canada. I love the job and am good about packing a healthy lunch, I just wish solving quadratic equations burned more calories! The nice part is I can get home after school and get a workout in before making dinner.

    While solving quadratics may not burn calories, it surely burns my students when I sing the "quadratic formula song!!"
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