P90X - First timer



  • Keisha604
    Keisha604 Posts: 126
    Today should be my rest day but I'm doing Kenpox because I chose to watch Inception with my boy over working out last night.
    Keep up the good work guys! =))
  • I'm getting ready to head to the grocery store and wondered if anyone has any really simple dinner ideas for Phase 1? The best I can come up with is shrimp or chicken stir-fry. A few of the recipes in the Nutrition Plan look okay but the ones that have a ton of ingredients intimidate me. I'm also wondering about the protein bar - any in particular I should look for or avoid?

  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    rest today did kempo yesterday as far as fun i think its the best good luck everyone
  • Day 8, Chest & Back, complete. I can definitely tell that I'm stronger, though. Not only can I feel new muscles in my triceps (oddly, mostly just my right arm.. uh oh.), but I did 10 (!!!) divebombers in Round 1 before collapsing. Diamond push up are still so hard, but I'm proud of my accomplishment :):)

    lovewillon -- there's a recipe in the nutrition guide that I LOVE LOVE LOVE. I can't remember the name, but it's a sandwich using Italian focaccia bread, zuchini, yellow squash, and mushroom. It tastes delicious! I've been using feta cheese with it. Great taste and super healthy. Pair it with some grapes or blueberries and something else and it would make for a simple and really quick dinner... or great lunch :)
  • Keisha604
    Keisha604 Posts: 126
    It's already 9:35pm and I haven't worked out! But I have two papers due tomorrow...so I think a late workout will be the perfect break in between the school work. lol Feeling a little sore today, but so motivated.

    What does everyone love and hate about p90x?

    I absolutely love Tony's silly attitude and the fact that I'm finally incorporating strength into my routine.
    I hate that every workout is an hour(although it does fly by!). =/
  • jenniferyeatts
    jenniferyeatts Posts: 27 Member
    Hi All! Can I join in? I am a 44 year old married mom of 2 teenagers. I started doing Power 90 in May last year, and followed it with P90 Master Series. When I finished that in November, I just kept doing it, but slacked off a bit in December, and gained back a few pounds of the 30 that I had lost. I started P90X on January 2nd. I was dreading it because I thought it was going to be too hard. Well, I frickin' LOVE it! I don't know what I was so afraid of. P90 & P90 MS really prepared me well.
    There are days that I really have to push myself to start, but once I do, I'm good. Failure is NOT an option. I have told EVERYONE & their mother that I'm doing this just so I don't back down.
    Good luck!
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    I put off starting the program also but your right the P90 really did get us ready.
    start week 3 today feels great cant wait to see if my numbers improve
    keep up the good work everyone
  • cmarsh1
    cmarsh1 Posts: 23 Member
    I am starting week 3 today. I have to say I like many of the workouts but it is hard to find the time everyday. I am starting a class tomorrow and have no idea if I will find the time or have the energy when I get home.

    I also keep watching the time on the tv, it would almost be better if it wasn't there. Tony is growing on me.
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    let me try to say this P90X rocks I had a dinner theater on satday eat to much yesterday rest no P90x eating was ok not really great some picking that i didnt write down Today got up did chest and back lifted heavier IT FELT GREAT no way do I want to cheat on food today when you work that hard it motivates me to want to do it all well Bring it
  • Creiche
    Creiche Posts: 264 Member
    What does everyone love and hate about p90x?

    Love the results and feeling great after a workout, but hate squat jacks. :)
  • Day 9 Plyo finished! My endurance is getting better, but I still wasn't able to finish everything. Room to improve!

    I like Tony's constant talking and his humor. Love Kenpo. The push ups are growing on me :) but plyo is not... haha.
  • jkroc
    jkroc Posts: 137 Member

    What does everyone love and hate about p90x?

  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    I just started week 2. Loving it so far!
  • cd_kc
    cd_kc Posts: 21
    I'm starting p90x again as well on Friday. This week and part of last, I'm getting back into my general exercise with some Cardio Max, treadmill, and other bootcamp like DVDs that are about 20-30 min + walking/running so I'll be in a better position to get through the DVDs. I did great starting out last October but by around mid-November, life got too hectic, I was sick for about a month, yada yada yada...excuses. Anyway, ready to get back on track and people have mentioned doing the Classic instead of the Lean, so I'm going to go for it AND log my food, which I didn't do last time around. So I may be posting here if you don't mind to keep me accountable.
  • Hey i got p90x last year and quit after week 3.Now i was already to start again and broke my toe.haha!i'm starting again in a few weeks.
  • jenniferyeatts
    jenniferyeatts Posts: 27 Member
    Core Synergistics today! Loved it but I was sweating like a pig! Guess that's good!
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    Hey i got p90x last year and quit after week 3.Now i was already to start again and broke my toe.haha!i'm starting again in a few weeks.
    what form of exercise have you been doing between now and than?
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    good luck with your new start take it slow and modify when and if you need

    I did polyo today love it i feel so much stronger and I know that I am I did things better and stronger today. Do I get to do it next week (week 4)? That rest week and Ive missed placed my chart and my app only shows the week Im in. Push play u all.
  • Creiche
    Creiche Posts: 264 Member
    Do I get to do it next week (week 4)? That rest week and Ive missed placed my chart and my app only shows the week Im in. Push play u all.

    No plyo in week 4, just yoga, kenpo, and core synergistics...but it'll be back week 5!
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    Thanks I'll miss it :( But Im sure core synergistics will be interesting.
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