

  • Xylitol. It sounds bad but it's all natural (made from corn cobs) and it tastes just like sugar, I mean JUST like. I have tried steevia, (truvia) but I hated it. Xylitol is the only thing I use now. You can find it at your local health food store. It looks just like sugar, too, it's crystals not a powder. It has 10 cals…
  • I completed it not long ago, and did it everyday, even though some days I could barely do the squats I was so sore. I was in a challenge and we decided to try to do it everyday for 30 days. I'm not an expert but I thought your body needs recovery time, so I'm doing it again (just started Monday) and I'm shooting for 5X per…
  • Thanks for this! It's what I believe and have been working hard at, there is so much more going on in our bodies than just -3500 = 1 pound lost. I don't believe it's quite that simple. I do believe in the power of the mind and positive thinking. THANKS!
  • I'm trying to lose 40 as well. I have spurts of being really good, staying on track exercising like crazy, then I crash and burn. So the keep it steady and on track is what I'm searching for, with the help of some friends. The buddy system is a great and motivating so I will be your friend! Good luck and take care! Marcia
  • Thanks Nikki, and good luck to you! I am new to navigating this site and just figured out how to look at and reply to my post, lol. I would love to have a friend to motivate and help motivate me, so thanks for being my friend! I've been running for about a year now, and although I'm supposedly burning many calories I sure…
  • Thanks for all that great info, I appreciate it! And good luck, I look forward to hearing (seeing?) your results in a month! Marcia :)
  • I'm in if you still have room. I haven't lost much weight yet, but this will help me kick it up a huge notch!!
  • The multivitamins/minerals are the worst for me, but I found one at my local health food store that proclaimed it was easy on the stomach, and although it's way better than the women's one a day i was taking (i threw them out, I just got way too sick) they still bother me a little. If I break them in half and take half…
  • Its Feb 20th so I'm guessing the challenge is beginning for the following week, (last week of Feb). Anyway I'm in for the challenge, going to set my goal at 4500 cals for the week, and the under sodium as well. I'm new to the site, so hope I'm doing this right. Do I post my cals burned each day or how does that work??
  • First, all the nuts and fruits and good-for-you stuff is the way to go most of the time, but If you like potato chips, a good alternative is the Special K cracker chips. (Kelloggs). They are super yummy and you get a big pile of them for only 110 cals, great if you want something crunchy and salty. They make a sour cream…