No of course not!! High protein diets are always good and a lot of protein is good for you! Don't let that silly number prevent you from eating proteins. I tend to go over on my protein too and it's not bad considering a lot of my protein today came from fish and eggs. Really, it's fine. Just as long as youre eating…
Thank you!!!
Yes! That's such a good idea. That's what I'm going to try and be doing. I eat 5 times a day and this means I could be getting up to 10 cups of water. Today is my first day trying this and I'll see how it goes. I had 2 this morning with breakfast and it keeps me full which is good.
Keep your head up high! I know that seeing a gain can be really really disaapointng but just continue pushing and working hard and beat the week 2 and youll be back to losing before you know it. Also if you were weighing in everyday, you might want to just try for once a week because weight fluctuates so much.
no i actually don't feel hungry when i eat 1200. in fact i feel satisfied. there are plenty of low cal foods that can satisfy you so i do that rather than eating very high calorie foods that make you feel hungry within an hour. it just depends on what kinds of things you are eating to be perfectly honest because when i eat…
Thank you all so much for the good suggestions!! I'm going to do my best to get 8 today :)
I've never tried crystal light but I'll look into it!!
Thank you so much! All sounds really good :) See, like yesterday my dinner consisted of 2 clementines, a fiber bar, activia yogurt and dry cheerios, like just little things thrown together but not very meal-like. But thank you all, definitely need to try these!
Anything by Ellen Hopkins, she's such a lovely writer and her books are just amazing. I can't even choose a favorite they're all so good, definitely look into her!
I heard that too! I hope so, everything about Pisces fits me so perfectly so even with these new signs, I'll always be a Pisces :)
You should be fine, definitely not a good idea to force yourself to eat if you're already stuffed. I don't think having one day of going under your limit will do any harm, you did well today so I wouldn't even worry about it!
I try to avoid "cheat day" because I know I always feel really guilty after and I feel like I've ruined my effort for the whole day which usually makes me do bad for the rest of the day. It's really bad but I'm hoping to develop a better relationship with food so I can be able to eat certain things without feeling so…
Very true, It's when you don't drink enough water daily that if you do suddenly drink a lot of water, your body tends to hold onto it whereas if you do drink a lot of water regularly, it cleanses you and just goes through you instead of staying in the body.
I'm definitely in! I'd love to be at my goal weight by summer which gives me about 4 and a half months. We can all definitely achieve this if we work hard, stick to our goals, and keep pushing ourselves.
Good luck!!! You can do it!
I'm new also and I really like this site so far! 50 pounds that's amazing, good job and keep it up<3