How to drink more water?



  • I have the same problem, if I drink too much water I am up all night (like every hour) peeing.
    I very happy if make it to seven glasses, I only worry if it is five. I stop drinking water, except to take my meds, at 4 pm.
    good luck......
  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    Like anythin' else - you will need to make it a habit...
  • Use a straw and pound it lol! Goes down faster! I usually drink at least four 32oz cups a day. As soon as I'm done with one I fill it back up and keep it on my kitchen counter and whenever I pass it I will drink some big gulps.
  • Drink water with your meals instead of soda or juice. Carry a bottle of water with you when you leave the house. Try to drink a glass of water (8 oz.) before each meal; this will help you feel full quicker. Also, keep the bottle of water is sight. I noticed you're a put the bottle of water on the desk when you're in class and take a few sips every couple of mins. This may even help you stay awake if you're teacher/professor is boring '-).
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    Wow, I'm amazed at all the good suggestions. I struggle daily to drink my 8 glasses, and am lucky to get 4 in during the day. I'm going to try a bigger container, room temp water, and getting more in early in the day so I'm not running to the restroom all day and up at night. I've tried adding lemon juice, but that's not really practical when I'm at work. This is why I love MFP - so many going thru the same struggles and many helpful solutions.
  • Lisamarie1226
    Lisamarie1226 Posts: 335 Member
    This worked very well for me in the past. Somehow, once the weather got colder, I find myself not hitting the 8 glasses a day as much. So I'm going to log this again...

    You know that box in your food diary page? I use that as my diary. My commute is anywhere from 45-60 minutes, so I'll take a 24 oz water bottle with me. I was doing really well about finishing it by the time I got to work.

    Then I start making "goals" for myself.

    So my diary would read something like this:

    Finished 24 oz. water bottle on my way to work. (and then I would click the water glass icon to 3).

    GOAL #1: FINISH another 24 oz water bottle BEFORE lunch.

    If I accomplished that, the glass icon would be at 6 by the middle of my work day.

    GOAL #2: FINISH another 24 oz water bottle AFTER lunch and BEFORE leaving work for the day.

    If I accomplished that, there went another 3 glasses....

    If it was a gym day, I'd refill my bottle.

    GOAL #3: FINISH another 24 oz. water bottle at the gym.

    So I could be anywhere between 9-12 glasses a day. I'm aiming for that again. I do find I feel better when I have at least 8 glasses.

    Also, I do "reward" myself with crystal light (or the Market Pantry or Great Value versions ---Target has a super yummy lime margarita flavor ;-) AFTER I've had at LEAST 4-5 glasses. It can be too sweet fo me sometimes, so instead of just using 16 oz, I usually do 18-20 oz... I like it better slightly diluted. I also have plastic water bottles, in 24 oz and 32 oz. And I always have to have limes or lemons in it.

    Good luck!
  • Thank you all so much for the good suggestions!! I'm going to do my best to get 8 today :)
  • dave4d
    dave4d Posts: 1,155 Member
    I usually drink two glasses of water with every meal. One before I eat, and one during my meal. I usually over do it on the water. Yesterday I had over 12 glasses of water, but I work around a lot of heat, so if I don't drink a lot, I get dehydrated fast.
  • dave4d
    dave4d Posts: 1,155 Member
    I usually drink two glasses of water with every meal. One before I eat, and one during my meal. I usually over do it on the water. Yesterday I had over 12 glasses of water, but I work around a lot of heat, so if I don't drink a lot, I get dehydrated fast.
  • Hi; my body type absorb so much water; if I exercise I drink so much water that is more than 8 cups; just keep a bottle of water with you at ALL times; office; house, in front of TV, car ...etc. it should work.
  • I have always hated water but now I am only drinking water, maybe once a week I'll have a coffee with a tad bit of cream & 1 pack of truvia (sugar). I went online and searched for ways to drink it because since age 5 I have hated koolaid, lemonaid, etc anything that you poured coloring/flavor and sugar into a pitcher of water. But I did learn the following (mix it up as you wish)

    Did you know 4 water bottles (types you buy in the store, I prefer Nestle Pure Life water) is equal to 8 cups of water? Brings the water drinking down a bit right? Now get a pitcher, pour 4 bottles into it and cut up a fruit or a cucumber. (I prefer cucumber but others like lemon/lime/oranges/etc) Toss 4-5 slices of the cucumber into the pitcher and put it into your fridge. Pour yourself cups of water until it is gone. You'll be amazed at how fast you drink it, it tastes so refreshing.

    oh and if you can manage cold water, it burns more calories.
  • I tend to prefer cold water so I always have a bottle of cold water in the fridge ready for me to drink. Also you don't have to drink water as such - you can drink herbal tea and other liquids too. Even coffee and caffeinated tea have been said to be okay (someone posted an article on this from Weight Watchers - found it, here you go:
  • This link might help you to understand how much water you should drink and how. You don't need to drink just water. All liquid you take from food count as well. So unless you are only eating dry food, you shouldn't have to drink 8 glasses of water, really.
  • Cherry limeade. peach and rasberry lemonade all are good
  • EgyptianMushroom
    EgyptianMushroom Posts: 341 Member
    Since I work odd hours of the night my stomach always wants munchies. If I'm hungry I'll go grab a glass of water and continue working. Usually helps.
  • I usually drink two glasses of water with every meal. One before I eat, and one during my meal. I usually over do it on the water. Yesterday I had over 12 glasses of water, but I work around a lot of heat, so if I don't drink a lot, I get dehydrated fast.

    Yes! That's such a good idea. That's what I'm going to try and be doing. I eat 5 times a day and this means I could be getting up to 10 cups of water. Today is my first day trying this and I'll see how it goes. I had 2 this morning with breakfast and it keeps me full which is good.
  • eresin
    eresin Posts: 104 Member
    I always have diluting juice, I tend to have 2 or 3 flavours in the house so I don't get bored, sometimes I will have just normal water though if I don't want a flavour.
  • emmyvera
    emmyvera Posts: 599 Member
    For me, it's just a question of tracking it (have I had 6 or 7?). I use the same 24 oz water bottle every day and I have 4 hair bands on it. I slide the bands to the top of the water bottle at the beginning of the day and as I finish one bottle, I slide a band down to the bottom. I do try to get 96 ounces of water in, I feel dehydrated with less. Hope that helps, it has really made it a no brainer for me as far as knowing how much water I have had.

    what an awesome idea! i love this!!!!
    i use a mini igloo that holds 6-8 cups or so. i just fill it up and take with it me to work and add it to ice when i get there and put it in a cup. it's bigger but not huge and i can take it anywhere. i love it!
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