I always go over on my protein!

Is this bad? Can eating too much protein hurt my weight loss? I'm not sure what "too much protein" can be bad for exactly. HELP!


  • mycrazyturtles
    If your exercise the protein is good for you. You can eat half your body weight. I would worry more about carbs and your salt intake. I have so much trouble with my salt intake.
  • mariamxo
    No of course not!! High protein diets are always good and a lot of protein is good for you! Don't let that silly number prevent you from eating proteins. I tend to go over on my protein too and it's not bad considering a lot of my protein today came from fish and eggs. Really, it's fine. Just as long as youre eating healthy. The same thing goes for carbs, I had a couple of apples today and apples have a lot of carbs but they are healthy so I'm not sweating that I went over for carbs knowing that most of it was from apples. So it's fine if you go over on protein. It won't negatively effect your weightloss at all. High protein in fact helps it.
  • abreia71
    No! I almost always double the amount that MFP gives it hasen't hurt my losses at all! I feel that it helps! Your muscles need protien.
  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    More protein = better. There's no such thing as too much.
  • givprayz
    givprayz Posts: 328
    Go into your "goals" and choose to customize your settings and increase your protein by 5 or 10%. Take the amount out of carbs. That way you still get the positive messages at the end of the day. I think the protein is set too low for people who are working out daily or nearly daily.
  • ramonamarie1
    I think protein is great for dieters. Keep in mind if you are really loading up on protein you should be sure to drink plenty of water. People on very high protein diets can experience ketones in thier urine. I think you could find a good explination online for what those are.
  • paet
    paet Posts: 2
    Protein is good for muscle growth and repair. As far as i remember your body can only take in around 50kg of protein at any one time so if u are eating alot try and spread it out in the day or u are just wasting it cause u will either piss it out of number 2 it out lol.

    so essentially u cant have too much protein cause the body gets rid of it, but its best to try and not have a massive excess of it.
  • markja
    markja Posts: 270 Member
    It all depends on what works for you.

    For me, skipping potatoes and eating steak is a good trade off. I wouldn't cut carbs out completely, they've gotten a lot of needless, bad rap.

    It's just easy to skip the starch and eat the vegetables and protein.
  • Charlie001
    Have no fear of protein. Unless you are consuming 500 grams.