

  • I wish I could find a Dr. to prescribe it for me! I used it years ago and lost 40 lbs! It's the ONLY diet drug I've ever used that actually worked for me. BUT...it does have side effects. Check into it.
  • The grumpy old man who walks the indoor track and uses his cane to swipe and poke at people who get in his way! It is hilarious...especially on homeschool day when all the local kids come for PhysEd and get in his way!
  • I have a closet full of 8/10 clothes that I could wear 3 yrs ago...even some size 6 shorts! Don't know if I'll ever get there again...I feel/look the best at size 10...I'm in a size 14 now...was 16...I'll get there with God's help!
  • I love Ezekiel bread, made with spouts, no flour and all natural. It's chewy, and there are a few flavors, like sesame, cinnamon, etc. It's expensive...$4.99 loaf and you need to keep it in the fridge since it spoils quicker than others. I pop it in the toaster to warm it up, not toast it (too if toasted to long). I use it…
  • It does the same thing to me. When I take it, I have to remind myself to eat. It also gives me chills and a little nervous feeling.
  • They say that messes up your metabolism and you will not lose as fast. I've done the opposite, eaten up until 6 or 7, and no dinner. That works the best! The food has a chance to digest and the calories used up.
  • I like to put a slice of Ezekiel sprouted grain bread in the toasted just to get it soft and warm, then spread 1 tsp of peanut butter on it. I love it with my morning coffee. I'm not much of a breakfast eater, so this works for me.
  • I saw them today, but didn't get them due to the pricetag. BUT, if you think they are good, then I will pay the price. I'm just tired of wasting money on snacks that are fat free etc that taste and feel like cardboard.
  • I noticed that also on my intake...before I started using this site I was eating alot of fruit each day...smoothies etc. I had actually gained a couple lbs. and I think that's why. Fruit in moderation at first is what I've always been told. Since cutting out most fruit to keep my sugar down, I've seen a difference in my…