Ise1324 Member


  • I knew I was loosing weight when I had to make holes on the XXL belt! I still use it to keep me motivated. It's a little ghetto I know but I love to see where I was two years ago and where I am today! I hope to keep adding holes to it! :p ;)
  • Damn girl I thought I had it hard. I just had a baby and he's in the IC. I'm currently still on maternity leave and dying to go back to work for while he's still in the hospital. Thinking of howy hubby and I are going to do it ounces he's home is stressing me out....but you know what I tell myself? Its just temperuary. So…
    in Hello Comment by Ise1324 June 2015
  • Girl some progress is better then none! Keep up the good work. I just had baby and only gained 10 lbs that I'm dying to loose. I was really active while pregnant...can't wait to get back on track. I hope its true what I've been told that nursing helps to loose weight because I feel hungry all time!
  • I've only bought a smaller belt...I have thought about it before but then I just tell myself that when I get to my goal I'm getting a WHOLE new wardrobe. that motivates me more for now a new belt hold my jeans in place LOL
  • I see that the DVDs are on many come with the basic package? I dont care for any of the "free" gifts either.
  • I tried the 5 meals a day and small portions every only made me gain weight! So with that said, do what is going to help you. Everyone's body is different. For some people it works, for some like me it don't.
  • I agree with you! women do sabotage themselves. The times that I do that to myself, my husband always tells me to stop because one of the reasons why he fell for me was myself confidence. The way I carried myself around people or just around him. I also grew up having more guy friends then women. And I have seen how guys…
  • Love it! You're awesome!
  • I blame living in proverty all my childhood and eating healthy wasn't a choice, the choice was eat or don't eat what is served too you. never leave food on your plate because you don't now how many kids out there have nothing at all. I know my parents weren't tying to get me fat it was just how they got me to eat what they…
  • I wish I had the courage...and that booty! :smile: my booty is the first part of my body that starts loosing weight, I don't have much back there so it sucks!
  • Unless you're going bald, there is not excuse to be bald, at least that's I say. LOL.. Funny thing is I met my hubby bald (his way of not paying for a hair cut) but he loves me so he makes me happy by going to get a nice hair cut. I hate to see him bald!