The brave and the human



  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    I hate seeing anyone see themselves in a skewed light that makes them unhappy, but at the same time, it helps hone to me how bad my own perception is. I've got body dysmorphia, so me putting up my current avatar in honor of ~Sailor Moon~ day as huge; it was my first "show body" pic on here at all, I debated for awhile whether to put it up, but my lolsy high of "YEAH SAILOR MOON" made me do it. I'm still self-conscious of a million things about it. I'm not nearly at a point where I could post bikini shots yet, but I'm always inspired to do so when I see how many beautiful, stunning women think THEY look bad. We're our worst enemies sometimes!

    I love that Sailor Moon costume - and you pull it off FANTASTICALLY! You're a great candidate for cosplay - and this proves it! Beautiful!

    Thank you :blushing: :blushing: That means alot since I always :heart: your posts!

    I think I have it too... I see someone else when I look at the mirror, I feel like I'm someone else when I'm sitting on the couch...
    But.. because of the relationships I'm developing here, and the steps I'm taking to reveal my "horridness"... I'm learning I am not who I've thought I was.

    Thank you for your bravery.

    Eta... and I TOTALLY agree about the costume :-D. You look awesome and don't need to hide. I've always thought you were beautiful and I thank you for being brave.
  • michellenichole83
    michellenichole83 Posts: 119 Member
    I went to a bachelorette party a couple years ago, and I was the only heavy girl there. So of course, they wanted to do group pictures everywhere! I usually hide in the back, or better yet behind the camera (which us why I became a photographer), but I got pushed to the front in this picture. When. I left the house, I thought I looked great! When someone tagged me on Facebook, I was mortified! That was when I started my weight loss journey.


    Ignore the after, lol. I gained all my weight back when I was pregnant with my daughter.
  • RahmaB823
    RahmaB823 Posts: 19 Member
    I thought that I would never show these pictures until I was exactly where I want to be. I realized it will take a long time and in my mind I will never be where I want to be. Even if I reach the perfect weight and body fat I will still not like something about me.

    Today I read this thread and was brought to tears with the women who have shared. I in turn decided I will show my weight loss journey.

    First I'll start with me 7 months after the birth of my second daughter. (I became pregnant with my second when my first was 7 months). March 24, 2012


    That's when I decided it was time to kick *kitten*. My *kitten* in particular. I got my *kitten* in the gym and started to sweat. I would stop working out and start eating bad but I would always start again.

    So here is me 6 months later still not liking myself. September 1, 2012


    THE HOLIDAYS are always an excuse for me so let's just fast forward to the past few weeks. I've kicked it in gear and I've been feeling better. I took these pictures the other day and only showed my best friend but today this post made me rethink the way I feel. I am a WOMAN. I brought to very healthy girls into this world and I am a BEAUTIFUL MOTHER, SISTER, WIFE, FRIEND, DAUGHTER. I can pick these next 2 pictures apart with the parts of me I dislike but when I look how far I came... I'm so proud of myself. I personally want to thank Sandy and I want to thank every woman on this thread.Thank you, thank you, thank you

    March 6, 2013


  • levelheadedgirl
    Thank you so much for this post! And thank you to all the lovely ladies who've posted. I've hated myself and the way I look for so long that I can't even remember what it felt like to actually like myself. Hearing about other's struggles makes me not feel so alone.
  • Ise1324
    Ise1324 Posts: 11 Member
    I wish I had the courage...and that booty! :smile: my booty is the first part of my body that starts loosing weight, I don't have much back there so it sucks!
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    I went to a bachelorette party a couple years ago, and I was the only heavy girl there. So of course, they wanted to do group pictures everywhere! I usually hide in the back, or better yet behind the camera (which us why I became a photographer), but I got pushed to the front in this picture. When. I left the house, I thought I looked great! When someone tagged me on Facebook, I was mortified! That was when I started my weight loss journey.


    Ignore the after, lol. I gained all my weight back when I was pregnant with my daughter.

    Firstly, you are beautiful both pics. Its awesome that you used it to spark a change. Having a baby may have given you a setback but it didn't take you down!

    You will get there again! But until you do... know that you are beautiful now, and have a smile that spreads joy!
  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member
    All I see are:

    Beautiful Souls :flowerforyou:

    Brave Hearts :love:

    Human Bodies :drinker:

    Much respect to you all!

    Me too! I don't know how to post pics in the forums! But at 60, I am finally getting comfortable in my own skin, and telling my "old ladies in the attic" to STFU. I did a whole lot of running and hiding from the horrible me I thought I was. I'm so proud of each of you for stepping up!

    Oooh it's not hard to post a pic! This is me at 60, and 30 days into weight lifting. I have NEVER done this before and I'm feeling weak in the knees at letting you all see the me I've hidden forever!


    That does NOT look like a 60 year old body. Your skin looks great - awesome elasticity - can't wait to see your results form training.
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    I thought that I would never show these pictures until I was exactly where I want to be. I realized it will take a long time and in my mind I will never be where I want to be. Even if I reach the perfect weight and body fat I will still not like something about me.

    Today I read this thread and was brought to tears with the women who have shared. I in turn decided I will show my weight loss journey.

    First I'll start with me 7 months after the birth of my second daughter. (I became pregnant with my second when my first was 7 months). March 24, 2012


    That's when I decided it was time to kick *kitten*. My *kitten* in particular. I got my *kitten* in the gym and started to sweat. I would stop working out and start eating bad but I would always start again.

    So here is me 6 months later still not liking myself. September 1, 2012


    THE HOLIDAYS are always an excuse for me so let's just fast forward to the past few weeks. I've kicked it in gear and I've been feeling better. I took these pictures the other day and only showed my best friend but today this post made me rethink the way I feel. I am a WOMAN. I brought to very healthy girls into this world and I am a BEAUTIFUL MOTHER, SISTER, WIFE, FRIEND, DAUGHTER. I can pick these next 2 pictures apart with the parts of me I dislike but when I look how far I came... I'm so proud of myself. I personally want to thank Sandy and I want to thank every woman on this thread.Thank you, thank you, thank you

    March 6, 2013




    I read your comments and I literally started crying. I have tried to respond, but can't find the words. You are beautiful, and you are successful now!

    My favorite statements...
    " I would stop working out and start eating bad but I would always start again."

    YES YOU ARE!!!

    And really... thank you. thank you so very much!
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    I'm getting ready to sleep now, but wanted to post a final few thoughts.

    When I started this thread, I wanted to show people that sometimes, being honest is really really liberating.
    I didn't expect that I would be so blessed by the responses!

    Every woman who has posted here has shown incredible courage! And each one of you have bodies that are beautiful. We see our pictures and see the bad but so often we are totally and completely blind to the good in them.

    Others see our pics and can see the good and while they may notice the things we don't like about ourselves... they don't get lost in that.

    When I was in school, I took fine art and advertising art. Part of our work was doing portrait drawings.
    I'll never forget my teacher saying that portraits of people you are close to are the hardest drawings to achieve success at, because as much as you may be great at capturing detail, you will always feel that you've failed to capture the emotion, the heart and the spirit of the person you love.

    Maybe we need to look at the pictures of ourselves with more love, and emotion, and see the beauty that is there.

    My body carried two beautiful, amazing children. It grew them, nursed them, and STILL carries them. The scars I bear from that process are NOT UGLY and I need to shake my head everytime I think that!

    Thank you so much ladies, for your honesty, your bravery, and for teaching me yet again, what I totally needed to know.
  • jbutterflye
    jbutterflye Posts: 1,914 Member
    I am absolutely blown away by this thread. Kudos to all of you lovely ladies and your incredible courage! It is really sad to me how much we judge ourselves and sometimes each other. You've all inspired me deeply and I thank you truly.

    The following is something I just pulled off my computer and isn't nearly as revealing or vulnerable as the other pics here, but it's not something I typically post publicly. I took this pic for a friend in the spur of the moment, right after walking my dog. Just being a goofball like I sometimes am. Lighting was bad, hair was messy from the walk, little makeup that remained from working all day... well that's all I got for now. Maybe something else later. I haven't been taking body pics as I've been waiting to meet goal, but maybe maybe... lol!

  • betsy329
    betsy329 Posts: 61 Member
    Love this post! Very honest and inspirational!
  • Admiral_Derp
    Admiral_Derp Posts: 866 Member
    Yall are awesome and just ridiculously beautiful. No victory matters more in life than the victories over fear and self.
  • RahmaB823
    RahmaB823 Posts: 19 Member
    I thought that I would never show these pictures until I was exactly where I want to be. I realized it will take a long time and in my mind I will never be where I want to be. Even if I reach the perfect weight and body fat I will still not like something about me.

    Today I read this thread and was brought to tears with the women who have shared. I in turn decided I will show my weight loss journey.

    First I'll start with me 7 months after the birth of my second daughter. (I became pregnant with my second when my first was 7 months). March 24, 2012


    That's when I decided it was time to kick *kitten*. My *kitten* in particular. I got my *kitten* in the gym and started to sweat. I would stop working out and start eating bad but I would always start again.

    So here is me 6 months later still not liking myself. September 1, 2012


    THE HOLIDAYS are always an excuse for me so let's just fast forward to the past few weeks. I've kicked it in gear and I've been feeling better. I took these pictures the other day and only showed my best friend but today this post made me rethink the way I feel. I am a WOMAN. I brought to very healthy girls into this world and I am a BEAUTIFUL MOTHER, SISTER, WIFE, FRIEND, DAUGHTER. I can pick these next 2 pictures apart with the parts of me I dislike but when I look how far I came... I'm so proud of myself. I personally want to thank Sandy and I want to thank every woman on this thread.Thank you, thank you, thank you

    March 6, 2013




    I read your comments and I literally started crying. I have tried to respond, but can't find the words. You are beautiful, and you are successful now!

    My favorite statements...
    " I would stop working out and start eating bad but I would always start again."

    YES YOU ARE!!!

    And really... thank you. thank you so very much!

    Thank you. I'm a work in progress. Every day is a chance to fall down but it's always a chance to get back up. Thank you Sandy for inspiring every woman on here. THANK YOU!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I thought that I would never show these pictures until I was exactly where I want to be. I realized it will take a long time and in my mind I will never be where I want to be. Even if I reach the perfect weight and body fat I will still not like something about me.

    Today I read this thread and was brought to tears with the women who have shared. I in turn decided I will show my weight loss journey.

    First I'll start with me 7 months after the birth of my second daughter. (I became pregnant with my second when my first was 7 months). March 24, 2012


    That's when I decided it was time to kick *kitten*. My *kitten* in particular. I got my *kitten* in the gym and started to sweat. I would stop working out and start eating bad but I would always start again.

    So here is me 6 months later still not liking myself. September 1, 2012


    THE HOLIDAYS are always an excuse for me so let's just fast forward to the past few weeks. I've kicked it in gear and I've been feeling better. I took these pictures the other day and only showed my best friend but today this post made me rethink the way I feel. I am a WOMAN. I brought to very healthy girls into this world and I am a BEAUTIFUL MOTHER, SISTER, WIFE, FRIEND, DAUGHTER. I can pick these next 2 pictures apart with the parts of me I dislike but when I look how far I came... I'm so proud of myself. I personally want to thank Sandy and I want to thank every woman on this thread.Thank you, thank you, thank you

    March 6, 2013




    I read your comments and I literally started crying. I have tried to respond, but can't find the words. You are beautiful, and you are successful now!

    My favorite statements...
    " I would stop working out and start eating bad but I would always start again."

    YES YOU ARE!!!

    And really... thank you. thank you so very much!

    Thank you. I'm a work in progress. Every day is a chance to fall down but it's always a chance to get back up. Thank you Sandy for inspiring every woman on here. THANK YOU!

    Wow, spectacular progress! You're gorgeous!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I wish I had the courage...and that booty! :smile: my booty is the first part of my body that starts loosing weight, I don't have much back there so it sucks!

    Bet it doesn't! Bet it's as beautiful as the rest of you!!
  • TinaDay1114
    TinaDay1114 Posts: 1,328 Member
    So many beautiful women here -- beautiful outside, inside, everywhere. I am continually amazed at how many supportive, lovely folks are on this site (despite all the other hoo-ha that goes on).:flowerforyou: All it takes is one honest person to put themselves out there (MireyGal), and suddenly we're all opening our arms to each other -- and hopefully, along the way, to those parts of ourselves we normally close our eyes to and try to avoid like the plague.

    The truth is, women really do support other women when given 1/2 a chance. Way to build each other up, hold each others' hands, and get through this journey with as much dignity, pride, love and beauty that we can. KUDOS to all of you. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • jsimler1
    jsimler1 Posts: 168 Member
    bump for later :flowerforyou:
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    I'm quite shocked I'm posting these as they are undoubtedly the worst photos of me, but these are from my friends wedding last year. When I first saw them I burst into tears - she looked lovely, and all I could think was that I looked like a monster. Most worrying thing was, I had already started on here and lost 17lb by then, and I felt slim as my dress was too big. How wrong was I!



  • jbutterflye
    jbutterflye Posts: 1,914 Member
    Yall are awesome and just ridiculously beautiful. No victory matters more in life than the victories over fear and self.

    This is very true!
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    I am absolutely blown away by this thread. Kudos to all of you lovely ladies and your incredible courage! It is really sad to me how much we judge ourselves and sometimes each other. You've all inspired me deeply and I thank you truly.

    The following is something I just pulled off my computer and isn't nearly as revealing or vulnerable as the other pics here, but it's not something I typically post publicly. I took this pic for a friend in the spur of the moment, right after walking my dog. Just being a goofball like I sometimes am. Lighting was bad, hair was messy from the walk, little makeup that remained from working all day... well that's all I got for now. Maybe something else later. I haven't been taking body pics as I've been waiting to meet goal, but maybe maybe... lol!


    I love this pic and can understand entirely. I have a REALLY hard time posting goofy pictures... ones where I'm making faces. I can put them up but can't leave em up for long because I hate them. And yet when I see your pic, I think - wow, you look alive and happy and fun, and yes - beautiful! - and I can totally see hanging out with you!