The brave and the human



  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    I'm quite shocked I'm posting these as they are undoubtedly the worst photos of me, but these are from my friends wedding last year. When I first saw them I burst into tears - she looked lovely, and all I could think was that I looked like a monster. Most worrying thing was, I had already started on here and lost 17lb by then, and I felt slim as my dress was too big. How wrong was I!




    Yes you are bigger in this pic, but you are in NO WAY A MONSTER! Honey, you are beautiful! Your hair, the color, the makeup - you were stunning and looked classy. I think when you see it, all you can focus on is the size, but when I see it that isn't what stands out to me. You have gorgeous features, and a good overall shape. If you didn't lose any more weight you would still be beautiful. The fact that you had already lost 17 pounds is FANTASTIC and now you're already at 35 pounds gone - you've already doubled the progress that made you feel great!

    Don't forget that joy when you look at this picture. I think they are lovely, and the last one is totally wow. :)
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member

    Yes you are bigger in this pic, but you are in NO WAY A MONSTER! Honey, you are beautiful! Your hair, the color, the makeup - you were stunning and looked classy. I think when you see it, all you can focus on is the size, but when I see it that isn't what stands out to me. You have gorgeous features, and a good overall shape. If you didn't lose any more weight you would still be beautiful. The fact that you had already lost 17 pounds is FANTASTIC and now you're already at 35 pounds gone - you've already doubled the progress that made you feel great!

    Don't forget that joy when you look at this picture. I think they are lovely, and the last one is totally wow. :)

    You are a sweetie. Thank you.
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    everyone here is absolutely gorgeous! inside and out!

    this is from the same day. i had SUCH a blast....made new friends...yet all i could think about were my tummy rolls.

  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    everyone here is absolutely gorgeous! inside and out!

    this is from the same day. i had SUCH a blast....made new friends...yet all i could think about were my tummy rolls.


    That's hardly a roll, beautiful girl!
    Midsections are weird, in real life my stomach is pretty flat (just genetics, it all ends up in my *kitten*) but if I try to take a picture...FORGET IT, there is always some weird shadow or lighting that makes it look worse than it actually is.
    You are GORGEOUS and that outfit makes me smile from ear to ear :smile:
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member

    That's hardly a roll, beautiful girl!
    Midsections are weird, in real life my stomach is pretty flat (just genetics, it all ends up in my *kitten*) but if I try to take a picture...FORGET IT, there is always some weird shadow or lighting that makes it look worse than it actually is.
    You are GORGEOUS and that outfit makes me smile from ear to ear :smile:

    i <3 you darlin! your smile is beautiful too, cute lil tooth "issue" or not. plus, your skin tone is amazing....porcelain!...and your glasses, coming from another bespectacled gal, are the bomb dot com.
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    I wanted to post a second picture that I couldn't post while I was at work yesterday. This is what I thought of when I saw the OP.
    I have thigh dimples too (and like you, my camera isn't picking them up very well in this picture) however mine aren't so nicely disbursed. Mine create this "double butt" kinda thing.

    Oh everybody's *kitten*/thighs look great in LuluLemons? BULLCRAP, They accentuate my "Double butt". Those lines of cellulite on the back of my thighs only stand out more in tight clothes.

    The only good thing is Sir-Mix-A-Lot was right and my husband "likes big butts" so he doesn't really seem to notice the small second butt lol

  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    I wanted to post a second picture that I couldn't post while I was at work yesterday. This is what I thought of when I saw the OP.
    I have thigh dimples too (and like you, my camera isn't picking them up very well in this picture) however mine aren't so nicely disbursed. Mine create this "double butt" kinda thing.

    Oh everybody's *kitten*/thighs look great in LuluLemons? BULLCRAP, They accentuate my "Double butt". Those lines of cellulite on the back of my thighs only stand out more in tight clothes.

    The only good thing is Sir-Mix-A-Lot was right and my husband "likes big butts" so he doesn't really seem to notice the small second butt lol


    I get the second butt crease sometimes when I wear snug fitting jeans. (in fact, you can see it on my back leg in my jeans pic) It takes careful lighting to hide it in pictures.

    I'm glad your hubby likes big butts... but honestly, I don't see two, just one perfectly shaped butt. Oh... and baby... it aint big!
  • RahmaB823
    RahmaB823 Posts: 19 Member
    I thought that I would never show these pictures until I was exactly where I want to be. I realized it will take a long time and in my mind I will never be where I want to be. Even if I reach the perfect weight and body fat I will still not like something about me.

    Today I read this thread and was brought to tears with the women who have shared. I in turn decided I will show my weight loss journey.

    First I'll start with me 7 months after the birth of my second daughter. (I became pregnant with my second when my first was 7 months). March 24, 2012


    That's when I decided it was time to kick *kitten*. My *kitten* in particular. I got my *kitten* in the gym and started to sweat. I would stop working out and start eating bad but I would always start again.

    So here is me 6 months later still not liking myself. September 1, 2012


    THE HOLIDAYS are always an excuse for me so let's just fast forward to the past few weeks. I've kicked it in gear and I've been feeling better. I took these pictures the other day and only showed my best friend but today this post made me rethink the way I feel. I am a WOMAN. I brought to very healthy girls into this world and I am a BEAUTIFUL MOTHER, SISTER, WIFE, FRIEND, DAUGHTER. I can pick these next 2 pictures apart with the parts of me I dislike but when I look how far I came... I'm so proud of myself. I personally want to thank Sandy and I want to thank every woman on this thread.Thank you, thank you, thank you

    March 6, 2013




    I read your comments and I literally started crying. I have tried to respond, but can't find the words. You are beautiful, and you are successful now!

    My favorite statements...
    " I would stop working out and start eating bad but I would always start again."

    YES YOU ARE!!!

    And really... thank you. thank you so very much!

    Thank you. I'm a work in progress. Every day is a chance to fall down but it's always a chance to get back up. Thank you Sandy for inspiring every woman on here. THANK YOU!

    Wow, spectacular progress! You're gorgeous!

    Thank you so much!!!
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I see only ladies, but what the hell.

    Meh, I gotz meh some love handles. Easy to kinda make them less noticeable in pictures, but they are definitely there.

    Datz me right now. :)

  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    I see only ladies, but what the hell.

    Meh, I gotz meh some love handles. Easy to kinda make them less noticeable in pictures, but they are definitely there.

    Datz me right now. :)


    I like what I see :)

    I gotta say, it's a lot easier to love on the women without seeming like I wanna love on them, than it is to post the effusive praise for you that's in my head, without looking like I'm coming on to you! :-P

    You sir are looking great! The love handles are not as bad as you see them to be, and I'm a big fan of the shoulders / pecs!
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    lol. Thanks. :)

    It's funny. I LOVE bodies. All shapes and sizes, I can find things I love to look at. I look at myself and I get hypercritical. Posting back fat is an awkward step, methinks.
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    lol. Thanks. :)

    It's funny. I LOVE bodies. All shapes and sizes, I can find things I love to look at. I look at myself and I get hypercritical. Posting back fat is an awkward step, methinks.

    applause to you, our first man to admit he is body conscious too! let's all love ourselves! we are more than our bodies! and our bodies are beautiful and unique anyway.

    (all much easier said than done).
  • majikmiker
    majikmiker Posts: 291 Member
    This was me before. 436 pounds of unhappiness.


    This was me about 6 months ago with my kids.


    Still a work in progress, but getting there. :)
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    This was me before. 436 pounds of unhappiness.


    This was me about 6 months ago with my kids.


    Still a work in progress, but getting there. :)

    HELLYEAH!!! You have done an INCREDIBLE JOB!!!
    And it makes me so happy to see you smiling and having fun with your kids!

    *hats off to you sir! you are an inspiration!*
  • eliseofthejungle
    eliseofthejungle Posts: 113 Member
    Me too! I don't know how to post pics in the forums! But at 60, I am finally getting comfortable in my own skin, and telling my "old ladies in the attic" to STFU. I did a whole lot of running and hiding from the horrible me I thought I was. I'm so proud of each of you for stepping up!

    Oooh it's not hard to post a pic! This is me at 60, and 30 days into weight lifting. I have NEVER done this before and I'm feeling weak in the knees at letting you all see the me I've hidden forever!


    I wanna look just like you when I grow up! :flowerforyou:
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    applause to you, our first man to admit he is body conscious too! let's all love ourselves! we are more than our bodies! and our bodies are beautiful and unique anyway.

    (all much easier said than done).

    Thanks. I am sure lots of guys have issues, just not a thing we normally talk about.
  • karmahunger
    karmahunger Posts: 373 Member
    I am going to post something a little bit different. It may gross some people out, or maybe it won´t. A few year ago, I started to get bumps on my thighs, and it was only mid-last year I learned they were infected hair follicles, and because they were not properly diagnosed or treated right away (the first doctor I saw thought it was HPV) I will have these scars probably forever (I am saving up to get laser hair removal and scar treatment). So, this picture horrifies me to post, but I wanted to post it anyway. All I can see are those nasty bumps and it makes me wonder, even when I do lose weight, if they are still there, I won´t be happy. I know I am not thin and shouldn´t be posting underwear pictures but it´s the only way to show them. I have stretch marks and some dents which I guess is cellulite. Nerve racking to post this.
    This board is awesome, thanks OP and you are all so beautiul :)

    I am not ready to post the full body shot. And yes, I need to shave. Shutty.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member

    Trying to fix the link but doesn't seem to post.

    Anyway. I copied and pasted the link though, and sorry you are dealing with that!
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    As for if it will go away, I think time will tell. If not, you might look at some type of microabrasion or such if it really gets you down.

    Props for posting up though. :flowerforyou:
  • heidiberr
    heidiberr Posts: 643 Member
    This is an absolutely beautiful thread and I love the idea behind it.

    I gained back about 30 of my 95 pounds I lost--and I'm embarrassed about it--to be quite honest. I let myself go a little and while I know I gained some muscle in the process from starting a heavy lifting program in July--it's still hard to go from this:


    To this:
    My too snug size 6 pants: 2013-02-06_07-40-18_927-1_zpsc0abe0d7.jpg

    But I'm well on my way to getting back to that happy place. And I guess that's all that matters-- I have the power to get back to where I want to be and I will--because I'm determined to.